The Speech of the Masked One
Texts, Translations,
& Scholarship
þú skalt aldrigi
betri gjöld geta
"For one drink
you shall never
get a better reward!" |
"Grímnismál is not
simply a poem of wisdom; it is a revelation."
—Hermann Güntert
"We must
understand that the text was not intended to provide a clear, concise
first source of information-but rather, a poetic presentation based on
well-known mythical 'fact'. The artistic effectiveness of such a text
must depend to a large extent on replacing pedestrian directness with
literary fancy. The discovery that one and the same person, place or
thing is referred to under many different names should not be
surprising. If our text were skaldic verse, we would accept such
polyonymy simply as the poet's method of satisfying the strict metric
demands of his chosen form. ...The religious decoding of the relevant
textual corpus therefore depends largely on establishing the identities
obscured by polyonymy."
— Jere Fleck, Odin's Self-Sacrifice Part II,
The Manuscripts
The full text of the poem is contained in:
Snorri Sturluson quotes twenty-two stanzas in
whole or in part and draws on at least six others in the Prose
Edda. Part of stanza 47 is quoted by Ólafur Þórðarson
in the Third Grammatical Treatise.
Old Icelandic Editions:
Illustration Gallery: Artistic Representations of the Myth
with side-by-side comparative English Translations :
Click on Stanza
Numbers Below
Prose Introduction]:
The Quarrel between Odin and Frigg
[The Prose Conclusion]:
The Death of King Geirrod
(31a) †The
so-called 'Lost'
Stanza of Grímnismál
For an excellent summary of the historical scholarship, see:
Vidi, Mori: The Eddic Poem Grímnismál
as a Dramatic and Mythological
by Jiri Starý
in Acta Universitatis Carolinae
Philologica 1,
Germanistica Pragensia XXI, pp. 7-35, 2012.
Description of Ingebörg's Arm-Ring
by Bror Emil Hildebrand, 1839.
On Grimnismal in Northern Mythology, Vol. I, by Benjamin
Thorpe, 1851.
The Religion of the Northmen
by Rudolf
Keyser (tr. Barclay Pennock), 1854.
10: Old Norse Astronomy" by D. O. Comstock, D. O. in Bulletin
of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 17, p. 852
General Works:
The Younger Edda, chapter 3, translated by Rasmus Bjørn
Anderson, 1879. Jere Fleck:
Excerpts from his
four most influential articles.
Notes to "The Lay of Grimnir" in "The Norse Myths" by Kevin
Crossley-Holland, 1980.
Edda as Ritual: Odin and his Masks" (an excerpt) by Einar Haugen in
Edda: A Collection of Essays, 1988.
and Frigg" by Stephan Grundy in Concept of the Goddess,
Grímnismál to Graffiti: Themes and Approaches in 1000 years
of Icelandic Folkloristics" by Terry Gunnell, The 28th
Nordic Ethnologist and Folklorist Congress, Spring 2000.
When is a Fish a Bridge? An Investigation of Grímnismál 21
by Eysteinn Björnsson, April, 2000.
and Grímnismál: Cosmic History, Cosmic Geography" by
Carolyne Larrington in The Poetic Edda: Essays on Old Norse
Mythology, 2002.
Number Nine in the Tradition of the Norsemen," by
Arkadiusz Soltysiak in "Między Drzewem Życia a Drzewem Poznania.
Księga ku czci profesora Andrzeja Wiercińskiego", M.S.
Ziółkowski & A. Sołtysiak (Eds), 2003, pp. 231–242.
Use and Abuse of Old Norse Religion" by Rudulf Simek in Old
Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives, 2006.
on the World-Tree: Man and Cosmos in Old Norse Mythic Poetry"
by Henning Kure in Old
Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives, 2006.
Vidi, Mori: The Eddic Poem Grímnismál as a Dramatic and
Mythological Unity" by Jiri Starý in Acta Universitatis
Carolinae Philologica 1, Germanistica Pragensia
XXI, pp. 7-35, 2012.
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