The Poetic Edda: A Study Guide |
Grímnismál The Speech of the Masked One ![]() [PREVIOUS][MAIN][NEXT] [HOME] |
11 | |||||||||||||||||
English Translations | |||||||||||||||||
1797 Amos
Simon Cottle in Icelandic Poetry “The Song of Grimnir” |
1851 C.P. in The Yale Magazine, Vol. 16 “The Song of Grimner” |
XI. |
And next is Thrymheim, where, in olden time, |
1866 Benjamin Thorpe
in Edda Sæmundar Hinns Frôða “The Lay of Grimnir” |
1883 Gudbrand Vigfusson in Corpus Poeticum Boreale “The Sayings of the Hooded One” |
11. Thrymheim the sixth is named, |
“Thrymham the sixth is called, where Thiazi dwelt, that foul giant; but Skathi, the fair bride of the Gods, now dwells in her father's old home.” |
1908 Olive Bray in Edda Saemundar “The Sayings of Grimnir” |
1923 Henry Bellows in The Poetic Edda “Grimnismol: The Ballad of Grimnir” |
11. The sixth is Sound-home, where Thiazi bode, |
11. The sixth is Thrymheim, where Thjazi dwelt, |
1962 Lee M. Hollander in The Poetic Edda “The Lay of Grimnir” |
1967 W.
H. Auden & P. B. Taylor in The Elder Edda “The Lay of Grimnir” |
11. Thrymheim is hight the sixth, where Thjatsi dwelled, the etin of awful might; Njorth's bride there her bower hath, Skathi, where her father before. |
11. The sixth Din-Home, the dwelling once |
1996 Carolyne Larrington in The Poetic Edda “Grimnir’s Sayings” |
2011 Ursula Dronke in The Poetic Edda, Vol. III: Mythological Poems “The Lay of Grimnir” |
11. Thrymheim the sixth is called, where Thiazi lives, |
11. Thudding Realm the sixth is |
COMMENTARY | |||||||||||||||||
"When the Aesir had refused to give
satisfaction for the murder of Gullveig, and when Odin, by hurling his
spear, had indicated that the treaty of peace between him and the Vanir
was broken, the latter leave the assembly hall and Asgard. This is
evident from the fact that they afterwards return to Asgard and attack
the citadel of the Aesir clan (Völuspá; Saxo, Book 6). The gods are now
divided into two hostile camps: on the one side Odin and his allies,
among whom are Heimdall and Skadi; on the other Njörd, Frigg (Saxo,
Hist., Book 1), Frey, Ull (Saxo, Hist., Book 3), and Freyja and her
husband Svipdag, besides all that clan of divinities who were not
adopted in Asgard, but belong to the race of Vanir and dwell in
Vanaheim. —1886, Viktor Rydberg Teutonic Mythology, No. 36
mennskir menn,
human men, living men; Lif and Lifthrasir in Mimir's grove. |
Did Skadi Marry More Than One God?
In line 5, this verse calls Skadi
skír brúðr goða, the “bright bride of gods.” The word for
“gods” in line 5 is plural indicating that Skadi was married to [i.e.
the 'bride' of] more than one god. Of the English translations, only two
translate the passage as it reads in the original: |
Snorri informs us how Njord came to marry the giantess Skadi: | |||||||||||||||||
Skáldskaparmál 3: “Now Skadi, the daughter of the giant
Thjazi, took helm and birnie and all weapons of war and proceeded to
Ásgard, to avenge her father. The Æsir, however, offered her
reconciliation and atonement: the first article was that she should
choose for herself a husband from among the Æsir and choose by the feet
only, seeing no more of him. Then she saw the feet of one man, passing
fair, and said: "I choose this one: in Baldr little can be loathly." But
that was Njördr of Nóatún. She had this article also in her bond of
reconciliation: that the Æsir must do a thing she thought they would not
be able to accomplish: to make her laugh. Then Loki did this: he tied a
cord to the beard of a nanny goat, the other end being about his own
balls, and each gave way in turn, and the two screeched loudly; then
Loki fell into Skadi's lap, and she laughed. Thereupon reconciliation
was made with her on the Æsir’s behalf.”
So we find alternate names for some of the same characters: Thjazi’s father, Ölvadi or Audvaldi and his three sons named either Thjazi, Gangr, and Idi or Thjazi, Aurnir and Idi. Thus Thjazi’s father’s name is written both Öl-valdi or Aud-valdi. The prefix varies in each name, but the suffix remains the same. The prefix öl- refers to ale, perhaps suggesting he was associated with alcoholic beverage in some way. The prefix aud- means wealth, suggesting he was rich. He has three sons. Jere Fleck, “Óðinn’s Self-Sacrifice—A New Interpretation. II: The Ritual Landscape”, Scandinavian Studies, Vol. 43, no. 4, 1971 “The discovery that one and the same person, place or thing is referred to under many different names should not be surprising. If our text were skaldic verse we would accept such polyonymy simply as the poet’s method of satisfying the strict metric demands of his chosen form. But the relatively unrestricted eddic strophe is far less demanding: such an explanation can not be the only one. The massive complex of heiti and kenning structures which we are about to discuss must be the result on the one hand, of a desire to replace tabu lexemes with noa correspondencies and, on the other, of a feeling of the need for elevated and esoteric language when dealing with religious tremendum. The religious decoding of the relevant textual corpus therefore depends largely on establishing the identities obscured by polyonymy.” What else can we learn of Thjazi’s father? In Skaldskaparmal, Snorri speaks of a group of artists, that he calls “black-elves” or “dwarves”, known as Ivaldi’s sons. They manufacture treasures for the gods, including Sif’s golden hair, Odin’s spear Gungnir, and Frey’s ship Skidbladnir. The authenticity of this view is confirmed in part by a poetic reference in Grímnismál, verse 43, which reads:
The name Ivaldi, formed from the prefix I- and the suffix –valdi remind us at once of the names Ölvaldi Audvaldi. The only other poetic reference to the Sons of Ivaldi appears in the Eddaic poem Hrafnagaldur Óðins. The poem relates a tale about the time Idunn was absent from Asgard. Hrafnagaldur Óðins, verse 6, reads:
Here we learn Idunn is the daughter of Ivaldi. She is of the elven aett, the race/clan of elves. We also learn that Ivaldi had two sets of children, a younger set and an older set. Idunn is the youngest of the first (i.e. the older) set. Since both sets of children shared the same father, we may suspect that they had different mothers. If so, Idunn is probably the half-sister of the famous artisans, the Sons of Ivaldi. If not, she is their sister. Either way, they’re kin. In the theft of Idunn, we find Ivaldi’s daughter, closely associated with the giant Thjazi, Ölvaldi-Allvaldi’s son. Can this be coincidence? Since the Younger Edda does not inform us of any consequences following the judgment on the artists, we might assume there were none. But if we recognize Ölvaldi-Allvaldi’s son Thjazi as one of the Sons of Ivaldi, these two mythic fragments come together like torn halfs of a photgraph, providing a fuller picture of the myth as it was known in the oral culture. In the tale Snorri tells Loki cuts off Sif’s hair. Furious Thor forces him to find a solution. So he goes to a group of “black-elves” or “dwarves” who spin new tresses for the goddess from gold. As further proof of their skill, they make the spear Gungnir for Odin, which never misses its mark, and the ship Skidbladnir for Frey which is big enough to hold all the Aesir and their gear, but be folded like a napkin and kept in a pocket when not in use. Loki took these treasures to a rival group of artists and dared them to make better ones. He bet his head they could not. The dwarves Brokk and Sindri accepted his offer and set to work crafting for Frey the boar Gullinbursti, whose golden bristles shine; for Odin the ring Draupnir, which dropped eight more like it every ninth night; and for Thor, the hammer Mjollnir, which returned to his hand no matter how far he threw it. The gods were selected as judges. When each was tested, Thor’s hammer was declared the best weapon of all, and thus Brokk and Sindri won. Brokk stepped forward to claim his prize but Loki renigged saying he had bet his head, but not his neck. The gods a greed that Brokk could not take Loki’s head without harming his neck and thus the bet was off. Frustrated and furious, the dwarf produced and awl and punched holes in Loki’s lips, then sewed them shut with a leather strap. The sons of Ivaldi were not present. Their reaction to this (their loss in a bet they knew nothing about) is not recorded. No doubt the Sons of Ivaldi (perhaps Thjazi, Idi, and Gang-Aurnir) would have been deeply insulted by the judgment on their work, which they had given freely to the gods. Loki was clearly the cause of this from their perspective. As the story of the theft of Idunn by Thjazi opens, the gods Odin, Hoenir, and Loki are walking in Thjazi’s realm. Their reason for being there is not stated. Unbeknoenst to them, an eagle watches them from nearby. Hungry the gods stop and sacrifice a reindeer. Loki makes a fire to cook it, but no matter how long its in, it will not cook. The gods suspect trickery, and the eagle addresses them from a tree. He says he is the reason the flames will not cook, and if they give him his share, he will allow it to cook. The gods agree, and Loki is able to cook the meat. He cuts it into 4 pieces and sets it on the table. Before the gods can eat, the eagle swoops down and gulps down all the meat. Loki picks up a nearby rod and strikes the eagle across the back. The eagle flies up, and, to his horror, Loki cannot let go of the stick. One end of it remains stuck to his hands and the other to the eagle’s back. The eagle flies low dragging Loki throw trees and over rocks until he begs for mercy. The eagle forces him to promise to lure Idunn out of Asgard, then lets him go. Loki returns to the camp of the gods. Sometime later, Loki lures Idunn away from Asgard telling her he has seen apples outside comparable to hers, and the giant Thjazi, again in eagle guise, picks her up and carries her off. What strikes us most about Thjazi’s home and environment is the array of magical objects in his vicinity: he wears an eagle guise allowing him to fly, he possesses a magic pole by which he captures Loki and through magic means he can cost fire its ability to cook. Could Thjazi, the son of Audvaldi or Olvaldi, be one of the famous Sons of Ivaldi? Why are Odin, Hoenir and Loki in his realm, high in the mountains? Why is he angry with them? If Thjazi is in fact one of the sons of Ivaldi, and the brother of half-brother of Ivaldi’s daughter, Idunn, then we know why. Thjazi has learned about the judgment on his work. The gods have found his works inferior to those of Brokk and Sindri. Loki caused this. Thus, Thjazi singles out Loki and punishes him, draging him over rocks and trees, before making him take an oath to remove Idunn from Asgard. Since Idunn is Ivaldi’s daughter, we might suspect that her apples are a
product of their forge. In the Rigveda, a group of smiths known as the
Ribhus (a name etymologically associated with the Old Norse word alfr)
also create treasures for the gods. One of them is a means
of rejuvenation, by which they restore their aged parents to youth.
Without Idunn’s apples, the gods begin to grow old. Idunn is away for
many years. In time, they gather and recall that Loki was the last one seen with Idunn. They capture him and force him to find her. He flies to Jötunheim in Freyja’s falcon-dress. He enters Thjazi’s home while he is out fishing, find Idunn, and transforms her into a nut. He grasps the nut in his claws and flies off with her. The giant sees them (perhaps because Loki was taunting) and follows in hot pursuit. Loki reaches Asgard first, and as Thjazi flies over the wall, the gods raise a “quick-fire” and singe his wings. Thor delivers the fatal blow with his lightning hammer and Thjazi is dead. Idunn is returned safely to Asgard and the gods rejoice. Until Skadi shows up in her war gear. We are only told that Skadi is Thjazi’s daughter. The identity of her mother is unknown. Since Thjazi has been living with Idunn in Jotunheim, long enough for the gods to grow old without her apples, it’s entirely possible that Idunn is her mother. This circumstance alone would be reason enough for the gods to spare her and offer her a husband of her choosing from their number.
In the lore, elves are usually depicted as archers. In Old English, disease is brought by “elf-shot”. In the poem Volundarkvida, the famous smith Volund, who is called an “elf-prince” uses skis and shoots bear. His brother is the famous archer Egil. Likewise, Skadi is called “the goddess of the bow” and “the goddess of skis” suggesting the same. Ull, the son of Sif and an unnamed father also shows similar characteristics, suggesting that Sif herself is of the same race. After Thjazi’s death, the gods make stars of his eyes, as an act of atonement. This is the only time in the lore where Thor honors a giant he has killed. The only parallel to this story of star-making is that of Thor and Aurvandil, told by Snorri in Skaldskaparmal 25. There, Thor makes a star of his good friend’s toe, which was frozen off when he carried Auvandil on his back in a basket. Might Thor and Thjazi once have been friends? Perhaps before the gods had judged their works inferior to those of Brokk and Sindri? Before Loki had caused all this trouble and alienated both groups of artists from the gods. In Grímnismál 4 and 5, Thor is said to live close to Alfheim, and Frey is said
to own it. The sons of Ivaldi make treasures for Thor, Frey and Odin. In
Hymiskvida 7,8 (cp. 37, 38) we learn that on the way to Jotunheim, Thor
leaves his goats at Egil’s house. In Volundarkvida, Egil is Volund’s
brother, and therefore also an “elf-prince”.
Here Loki accuses Idunn of embracing her brother’s killer. The identity of Idunn’s brother has long puzzled scholars. Idunn’s lover is not named, but Loki adds that she washed her arms white, a personal detail only she and her lover would know. He makes similar accusations against Sif and Skadi in the same poem. He says directly that he was their lover. (Lokasenna 52, and 54). To Sif, he says:
We are not told elsewhere that Loki ever seduced Sif or Idunn. But from the available sources, it’s clear that he certainly has had the opportunity. He once got close enough to Sif to cut off all her hair (a sign of adultery in old Germanic culture; Tacitus, Germania 19), and, when he snuck into Thjazi’s abode and changed Idunn into a nut, he presumably was alone with her. Whether his accusations are true or not, Loki can claim to have been these goddesses’ lover with impunity. Only he and they know what happened when they were alone. Thus he is free to say what he would like. Therefore, in all probability, when Loki says that Idunn embraced her brother’s murderer, he means that she embraced him. This interpretation is consistent with the thrust of his other boasts. The detail of her arm-washing, adds weight to this conclusion. Since Idunn is the daughter of Ivaldi, it stands to reason that Loki murdered one of the famous artisans, the Sons of Ivaldi In Lokasenna, Loki admits to only two murders. To Frigg, he admits that he is the reason that “Baldur is no longer seen riding to halls,” (Lokasenna 28) and to Skadi, he admits being “the foremost when your father was slain” (Lokasenna 51). Skadi’s father is well-known to have been the giant Thjazi. Other sources confirm that Loki brought about the death of Thjazi, Allvaldi-Ölvaldi’s son, by luring him in hot pursuit to Asgard, where he would ultimately die in a fire raging around Asgard’s wall. So is he also is Idunn’s brother? Still there is room to doubt. From Grotti-song 9, we know that Thjazi was akin to the giant Hrungnir. How can Idunn and Thjazi be siblings, if Idunn is an elf and Thjazi is said to be the kin of giants? Since his father is called an elf (assuming now it is Ivaldi), we might suspect that his mother was a giantess. Haustlöng 13 may provide the evidence. There Thjazi is referred to as sonr bíðils Greipar, “the son of Greip’s wooer.” Greip is the name of a giantess. So Thjazi is probably the son of a giantess. Thjazi’s father, Ivaldi, was her wooer. Recall that in Hrafnagaldur Óðins 6 Ivaldi is said to have two sets of children, a younger set and an older set. Idunn is the youngest of the older set. The younger set therefore seems to have been produced by Ivaldi’s union with a giantess. Ivaldi’s sons are the product of the union of an elf and a giantess. If Thjazi is indeed a smith, one of the famous sons of Ivaldi, then
the name of his hall Thrymheim, may refer to the noise of a smithy. The
word þrym- refers to the din of battle, specifically to the
clanging of metal swords. |