Some Images are Distorted.

The second edition of Agnes Kayser-Langerhannß's 'Odin',
published at Munich, 1881, includes 10 drawing by E. Phillip Fleischer.
They are Thor, The Night, Odin's Walk by Mimir's Well,
Odin and Frigga, The Golden Age, Hermod's Ride to Helheim,
Baldur's Funeral Pyre, Aegir's Feast, Loki's Punishment, and
Surt's Fire World Conflagration.
The Night
Odin's Walk by Mimir's Well

Odin and Frigga

The Golden Age
Loki and the Six Artworks of the Dwarves |
Hermod's Ride to Helheim

Baldur's Funeral Pyre

Aegir's Feast |
Loki's Punishment
Surt's Fire World Conflagration |