The Mighty Power
of Thor
The Golden Tears of Freyja |
God of Fertility, Lord of Alfheimr |
The Golden Apples of Idunn |

Gullveig-Heidr, Goddess of Witches |
The Norns of Yggdrasil |
Let the Fates Decide |
The Sacrifice
11/07/2017 |

"From a Word to a Word" |
GRIMNIR (the hooded one)
triangular canvas 17/8/2018 |

Dawn of the Shieldmaiden |

Berserkr |
In the Realm of Hel |

The first
giant formed from water and fire, from his blood came
the ocean, from his bones came the mountains, from his
hair came the trees, from his brain came the clouds,
from his skull came the universe, from his eyebrows came
our planet, from under his arm man and woman, from his
legs a six-headed son. |

Ing / Freyr |
Barnet av Loki (Child of Loki) |
Light of Mani |
Revenge of Vidharr |
Ullr God of Winter |
Skadi, Goddess of Winter |

And Ran shall have the drowned |

Laufey Stor Tre Gudinne (Laufey, Great Tree Goddess ) |
In the Realm of Niorun, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams, and
Night |
Dark Elf Jarl of Svartalfheimr |
11/5/2017 |

Freyja av Skogen (Freyja of the Forest) |
Surt of the Jotunn
22/12/2016 |
Ursa Major