Unknown Artist
The Funny Side of Physic
by Andre Addison Crabtre


Directly or indirectly, these illustrations are based on those from
Richard Verstegan's Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities (1605).

Idol of the Sun
The name of our first day of the week, Sunday, is derived from the Saxon Sunna-daeg, which they named for the sun. It was also called Sun's-dæg. As the glorious sunlight brought day and warmth, and caused vegetation to spring forth in its season, warmed the blood, and made the heart of man to rejoice, they made that dazzling orb the primary object of their worship. When its absence brought night and darkness, and the storm-clouds shrouded its face in gloom, or the occasional eclipse suddenly cut off its shining, which they superstitiously attributed to the wrath of their chief deity, it then became the object of their supplication. With them, and all superstitious people, all passions, themes, and worships must be embodied — must assume form and dimensions, and as they could not gaze upon the dazzling sun, they personified it in the figure of a man — as being superior to woman with them — arrayed in a primitive garment, holding in his hand a flaming wheel. One day was specially devoted to sun worship.

Idol of the Moon                 Tuisco
                  Monday                          Tuesday              
The second day of the week the Saxons called Monandæg, or Moon's day; hence our Monday. This day was set apart by that idolatrous people for the worship of their second god in power. In their business pursuits, as well as devotional exercises, they devoted themselves to the moon worship. The name Monandaig was written at the top of all communications, and remembrance had to their god in all transactions of the day. Each monath (new moon or month) religious (?) exercises were celebrated. The idol Monandæg had the semblance' of a female, crowned or capped with a hood-like covering, surmounted by two horns, while a basque and long robe covered the remainder of her person. In her right hand she held the image of the moon.

The third object of their worship was Tuisco — corresponding with German Tuisto—the son of Terra (earth), the deified founder of the Teutonic race. He seems to have beeu the deity who presided over combats and litigations; "hence Tuesday is now, as then, court-day, or the clay for commencing litigations." In some dialects it was called Dings-dag, or Things-day — to plead, attempt, cheapen: hence it is often selected as market-day, as well as a time for opening assizes. Hence the god Tuiseo was worshipped in the semblance of a venerable sage, with uncovered head, clothed in skins of fierce animals, touching the earth, while he held in his right hand a sceptre, the appropriate ensign of his authority. Thus originated the name of our third day of the week, and some of its customs.

Wednesday was named for Woden, — the same as Odin, — and was sacred to the divinity of the Northern and Eastern nations. He was the Anglo-Saxons' god of war, "who came to them from the East in a very mysterious manner, and enacted more wonderful and brilliant exploits of prowess and valor than the Greek mythologists ascribed to their powerful god Hercules." As Odin, this deity was said to have been a monarch (in the flesh) of ancient Germany, Denmark, Scandinavia, etc., and a mighty conqueror. All those tribes, in going into battle, invoked his aid and blessing upon their arms. He was idolized as a fierce and powerful man, with helmet, shield, a drawn sword, a gyrdan about his loins, and feet and legs protected by sandals and knee-high fastenings of iron, ornamented with a death's head.

Thor                              Friga
Thursday                       Friday

From the deity Thor our Thursday is derived. This Saxon god was the son of Woden, or Odin, and his wife Friga. He was the god of thunder, the bravest and most powerful, after his father, of the Danish and Saxon deities.

Thor is represented as sitting in majestic grandeur upon a golden throne, his head surmounted by a golden crown, richly ornamented by a circle in front, in which were set
twelve brilliant stars. In his right hand he grasped the regal sceptre.

The sixth day of the week was named in honor of Friga, or Frigga, the wife of Woden and the mother of Thor. In most ancient times she was the same as Venus, the goddess of Hertha, or Earth. She was the most revered of the female divinities of the Danes and Saxons. Friga is represented draped in a light robe suspended from the shoulder, low neck and bare arms. She held in her right hand a drawn sword, and a long bow in the left. Her hair is long and flowing, while a golden band, adorned by ostrich feathers, encircle her snowy brow.

There is nothing in the name or attributes to indicate the ill luck which superstition has attached to the day.



The god Seater, for whom the last day of the week is named, is the same as Saturn, which is from Greek — Time.
He is pictured, unlike Saturn, with long, flowing hair and beard, thin features, clothed in person with one entire garment to his ankles and wrists, with his waist girded by a linen scarf. In his right hand he carries a wheel, to represent rolling time. In his left hand he holds a pail of fruit and llowers, to indicate young time as well as old. The fish which is his pedestal represents his power over the abundance of even the sea.
