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Hávamál is found only in the Codex Regius manuscript,
first discovered in 1643, where it occurs as the second poem,
immediately after Völuspá and before Vafþrúðnismál. The
first strophe of the poem also appears in Snorri's Edda,
Gylfaginning 2, and the second half of strophe 84 is quoted
in Fóstbræðra saga, ch. 21 as a kviðlingr
Hávamál is the longest Eddic poem, containing 164 verses, mostly
in ljóðaháttr meter. Málaháttr meter occurs in stt. 73, 85-87,
and 144; fornyrðislag is used at the end of strophe 145; and the
meter in stanzas 80, 142 and 143 is unrecognizable. Due in part
to variations in poetic meter, as well its disjointed topical
Hávamál is commonly considered to be a composite composition,
formed from at least three and as many as six, independent
poetic works compiled together by an editor, perhaps as late as
the 13th century. Manuscript evidence supports this conclusion.
Codex Regius employs large
initial letters, which are otherwise used only to begin poems, at the beginning of verses 1, 111, and 138. The two
later divisions are commonly called Loddfáfnismál (111 ff) and
Rúnatalsþáttr Óðins or Rúnaþáttr Óðins (138 ff). Later Icelandic scribes
also recognized divisions at these points. In 1891, Karl
Müllenhoff suggested that Hávamál consisted of six poems, whose
only common feature was that Odin was the speaker in all of
them.1 These six poems, identified by stanza numbers,
I. 1-79 (or later): The Gnomic Poem
II. 95 (or earlier)-102: Odin's adventures with Billing's girl
III. 103 (or 104)-110: Odin's adventure with Gunnlöd
IV. 111 (or 112)-137: Loddfáfnismál
V. 138-145: Rúnatal, The 'list of secrets'
VI. 146-163: Ljóðatal, The 'list of magic songs'
Several scholars have followed Müllenhoff's lead since, although
opinions differ on how many divisions exist and where exactly they
begin and end. Some stanzas appear to fall outside of these
divisions altogether. The final stanza (st. 164), from which the
poem derives its name, is widely believed to have been composed
by the compiler of the current text.
Hávamál was the second Eddic poem, after Völuspá, to be
published in the modern era by Peder Resen. In his edition of
1665, the poem appeared in the original language with a Latin
translation, making it widely available to international
scholars for the first time.
McKinnell, "The Evolution of Hávamál" in
Essays on Eddic Poetry
(2014), p. 59-95. |
The Manuscript:
Codex Regius MS No. 2365 4to [or Konungsbók, "The King's
Derived from:
1891 Finnur Jónsson,
Handskriftet nr. 2365 4 to gl. kgl. samling pa det store
Kgl. bibliothek i København
Icelandic Editions
1818 Rasmus Rask and Arvid Augustus Afzelius as
Odins Höga Sång den Gamla in Edda Sæmundar hinns fróða [2]
Hávamál in Edda Rhythmica (Arnæmagnæani edition) [2]
1847 P. A. Munch in
Den Ældre Edda
1859 Hermann Lüning in
Die Edda
1860 Theodor Mobius in
Edda Sæmundar hins fróða
1867 Sophus Bugge in
Norrænn Fornkvæði
p. 43 ff [2]
1868 Svend Grundtvig in
Edda Sæmundar hins fróða/Den Ældre Edda
(1874, 2nd ed.)
1876 Karl Hildebrand in
Die Lieder der ältern Edda
1883 Gudbrand Vigfusson in
Corpus Poeticum Boreale
1888 B Sijmons and H. Gering in
Die Lieder der Edda
1888 Finnur Jónsson as
Hövamöl in Eddalieder, Vol. I [2]
1903 F. Detter and R. Heinzel in
Sæmundar Edda, Vol I. (Text)
II. (Remarks)
1905 Finnur Jónsson as
Hávamál in Sæmundar-Edda. Eddukvæði
1914 Gustav Neckel in Edda/
Die Lieder des Codex Regius
1922 Richard Boer in
Die Edda
1954 Guðni Jónsson as
Hávamál |
The First Modern Reference:
1651 Ole Worm in
Danica Literatura quotes Hávamál 111 in runic letters.
The First Modern Edition:
1665 Peder Resen, Ethica Odini pars Eddæ Sæmundi vocata
Haavamaal, uná cum ejusdem
appendice appellato Runa Capitule with Latin translation [Photocopy]
English Translations:
1676 Aylett Sammes in
Britannia Antiqua Illustrata
(excerpts from the Latin of Peder Resen)
1770 Paul Henri Mallet (Thomas Percy tr.) as
The Havamaal or Sublime Discourse in
Northern Antiquities under "An Idea of the More Ancient
Edda" (excerpts from Hávamál)
1830 William Taylor as
Havamal, the High Song [46 stanzas] in
Historic Survey of German Poetry, Vol. I, pp. 13-20.
1847 Anonymous in The
Knickerbocker Vol. 30, p. 295-296 as
(excerpts from the French of Xavier
1852 William and Mary Howitt as
Hávamál or Odin's High Song in
The Litterature and Romance
of Northern Europe, Vol. I. (Complete through verse 110 with a
prose summary of Loddfáfnismál and the Rúnatal sections)
1854 Rudolf Keyser (Barclay Pennock tr.) in
The Religion of the Northmen
(Excerpts from Hávamál appear on pp.
1862 Andrew James Symington,
Hávamál or Odin's High Song in Pen and Pencil Sketches of
Faröe and Iceland, "Specimens of Icelandic Poetry", pp. 260-277
(a reprint of the same piece in William and Mary Howitt above)
1865 Benjamin Thorpe in Edda Sæmundar hinns fróða Vol. I: Mythological
Poems (1865) as:
The High One's Lay and
Runatalsþáttr Oðins:
Odin's Rune Song
(The First Complete English Translation of the Poetic
Edda with the assistance of
Elise C. Otté)
1883 Gudbrand Vigfusson in
Corpus Poeticum Boreale (The poem has
been heavily edited and rearranged in this version)
1908 Olive Bray as Hávamál: The Words of Odin the High One in
The Elder or Poetic Edda, Part I. The
Mythological Poems, pp. 60-111
1923 Henry Adams Bellows
Hovamol in
The Poetic Edda
Daisy E. Martin Clarke
in The Hávamál (reprinted 2011)
1962 Lee M. Hollander
The Sayings of Hár in
The Poetic Edda
1967 W. H. Auden & P. B Taylor
The Hávamál
in The Elder Edda
1969 Patricia Terry as Sayings of the High One in
Poems of the Elder Edda
(revised 1989)
1992 Björn Jónasson in The Sayings of the Vikings
1996 Carolyne Larrington as
Sayings of the High One in
The Poetic Edda
(revised 2014)
2011 Ursula Dronke as Hávamál in
The Poetic Edda: Vol.
Andy Orchard as Hávamál: The Lay of the High One in The Elder Edda
Carolyne Larrington as Sayings of the High One in The Poetic Edda (revised) [Comparative
Study of the 1996 and 2014 versions]
2014 Jeramy Dodds as The High One's Sayings (Hávamál) in The
Poetic Edda
2014 Jackson Crawford as Hávamál in The Poetic Edda (his popular
'Cowboy Havamal' is also included as an appendix)
Danish Translations
1779 Bertel Christian Sandvig as
høie Sang and
Runatalo þattur Oþins in Runesangen
1783 Bertel Christian Sandvig as
Rune-Capitlet in Runesangen
1822 Finnur Magnússon as
Havamaal or Den Höjes Sang in Den ældre Edda, Vol. III
1861 Den Höjes Kvad. Folkevennen X, pp. 47-64.
1863 V.B. Hjort as
Höjsangen in Edda Sangene
1866 R.J. Holm as
(excerpts) in Mundsmag af den ældre Edda
1869 Frederik Winkel Horn as
Den Højes Sang in Den ældre Edda
1870 H. G. Møller as Den
Højes Tale in Den ældre Edda, Vol I.
1887 Frederik Winkel Horn as
Hávamál - Odins Højsang
1895 Karl Gjellerup as Havamál
in Den ældre Eddas Gudesange
1911 Olaf Hansen as Den
Højes Taler in Den ældre Edda.
Thøger Larsen as Havi-Maal
Martin Larsen as Havamål in "Den ældre Edda og Eddica Minora"
Dutch Translations
1911 Frans Berding in
De Edda (The poem is separated and
translated in sections)
French Translations
1756 Paul Henri Mallet's Monuments de la mythologie et
de la poésie des Celtes, and its translations into other
languages, contain a partial prose rendering of Hávamál, pp.
—In Islandica 13 (1920), Halldór Hermannsson notes:
"Another French version (of Hávamál) is said to have
appeared in the
Bibliothéque universelle
des romans,
(Feb. 1777)."
This is not the case. The text names Havamaal or Discours
Sublime d'Odin in a chapter heading on page 35 in a larger
essay on Odin.
1838 Mlle. Rosalie du Puget as
Les Poémes D'Odin in Les Eddas
1842 Xavier Marmier as
Le Chant Supréme in Chants Populaires du Nord
German Translations:
1777 Jacob Schimmelmann as Des Odins Sitte-Lehre, Hava oder Hars
Mäl in
Die isländische Edda,
p. 43 ff.
1778-79 Joh. Gottfr. von Herder, as Die Zauberkraft der Lieder
(Rúnakapítuli of the Hávamál) in
Volkslieder Vol. I,
pp. 201-206
1829 J. L. Studach as
Hawamal in Sämund's Edda des Weisen
1851 Karl Simrock as
Des Hohen Lied in Die Edda (reprinted 1855, 1864, 1871, 1874,
1876, 1878, 1882, 1888, 1896, etc.)
1871 Karl Esmarch as
Des Hohen Gesang in Aus Sæmundar Edda hins froda
1875 Alfred Holder as
Sprüche des Hohen in Die Aeltere Edda.
1876 Hans von Wolzogen in
Die Edda
(The poem is separated and translated in
1877 Bodo Wenzel as
Das Lied des Havi in Die aeltere Edda (Sämundar Edda)
1877 Friedrich Wilhelm Bergmann in
Des Hehren Sprüche (Hâva
1889 Wilhelm Jordan as
Sprüche des Hohen in Die Edda (reprinted 1890, 1910)
1892 Hugo Gering as
Die Sprüche Hars in Die Edda
1917 Feliz Genzmer as
Die Reden des Hohen [Stanzas 1-66] in
Mitteil. der Islandsfreunde IV, pp. 45-52.
Italian Translations:
1874 Niccola Schiavoni as Carissimo as La Carazone dell'Alto in La
Rivista Europea IV, pp. 454-464. (Prose version)
1893 Tommaso Cannizzaro as Fragments of
Havamal in Fiori D'Oltralpe Saggio di Traduzioni Poetiche,
pp. 294-299
2005 Giansanti/Mazza/Taglianetti as
Discorso di Hár
Latin Translations
Odini Sentenctiæ in Edda Rhythmica (Arnæmagnæani edition)
Norwegian Translations:
1866 G. A. Gjessing as Den
Høies ord (Hǫ́ávamáǫ́l) in Den Ældre Edda,
Norrøne Oldkvad [1899].
1905 Ivar Mortensson as Håvamål
in Edda-kvæde
Ludvig Holm-Olsen: Håvamål.
Spanish Translations:
1856 D.A. de la Rios as
Los Poemes de Odin in Los Eddas
Swedish Translations:
1818 Arvid August Afzelius in Sæmund den vises Edda as I.
Odins höga sånger,
Lodfafners sång,
1877 Peter August Gödecke as Den
Höges Sång in Edda
1893 Nils Fredrik Sander as Den
Höges Ord in Edda Sämund den vises [2]
1898 Karl Ljungstedt in
(Summary of the poem only)
1912 Edvin Thall in Nordiska Fornsånger (Edda Sæmundar)
1913 Erik Brate as Den
Höges sång in Sämunds Edda
1920 Axel Åkerblom as Håvamål
(Den Höges sånger)
Åke Ohlmarks in Eddans Gudasånger
1957 Björn Collinder
in Den Poetiska Eddan
2013 Alexander Bågenholm |
1877 M.B. Richert
Försök till belysning afmörkare
och oförstådda ställeni den poetiska eddan ['Attempt to
illuminate the dark and obscure passages in the Poetic Edda']
Excerpts in English:
An Analysis of Hávamál 104-110
1888 Eiríkr Magnússon
On Hávamál verses 2-3
1898 Victor
Loddfáfnismál: An Eddic Study
1923 Daisy E. Martin Clarke, The Hávamál (reprinted 2011)
1971 Jere Fleck, Óðinn's Self-Sacrifice—A New Interpretation:
Excerpts in
Four by Fleck
The Ritual Inversion, Scandinavian Studies, Vol.
43, no. 2, 1971, p.119-142.
II: The Ritual Landscape, Scandinavian Studies,
Vol. 43, no. 4, 1971.
1986 David A. H. Evans,
1986 Anthony Faulkes,
Glossary and Index to Hávamál
2011 Ursula Dronke, The Poetic Edda, Vol. III, Hávamál
2014 John McKinnell, "The Evolution of Hávamál"
and "Hávamál
B: A Reconstructed Poem of Sexual Intrigue" in Essays on
Eddic Poetry
See Also:
The Symbolism of Sacrifice |