The following scenes of heathen worship, first appeared in the
original Latin text. Mirror images of the same illustrations
were printed in the English, French and German translations of
the work.
This illustration depicts worship before a Thor idol in Lappland in 1673.
For the text of Lapponia, see
here. |
This illustration depicts worship
of the god
Stor-junkare (Great Ruler) in Lappland in the year 1673. |
These scenes were reimagined and additional scenes
were envisioned below for the Dutch Translation in 1682.
In 1783, they reappeared in
Bernard Picart's
Cérémonies et
Coutumes Religieuses de Tous les Peuples du Monde
These illustrations
depict veneration of the gods Jumala (Top left), Wirku-Akka (Top
Thoron (i.e. Thor, Bottom Left), and Stor-Junkare (Bottom Right) |
These images depict a Lappish wedding (Top Left), a
Christian Baptism (Top Right),
a Funeral (Bottom Left), and a Magic Ceremony (Bottom Right) |