The Apples of Idun
Idun and her
apples |
Thor Loki and Another God Take a
The Three Gods Try to Cook the Ox
Loki and Idun
The Gods ask where Idun is
The Giant Sees the Bird Fly Away
How Thor Got the Hammer |
Loki Cuts Sif's Hair Off
"Oh Thor, All my Hair is Gone"
"Did You Cut Off Sif's Hair?"
Loki and the Dwarfs
The Dwarfs Bring to Loki the Ship,
the Spear, and the Crown of Hair
Brokk Tells Loki That His Brother Can
Make Better Gifts
The Dwarfs with the Golden Pig, The
Ring, and the Hammer
Sif with the Golden Crown
Brokk Shows His Things to the Gods
Thor with his Hammer
The Frost Giant
The Hammer Lost and Found |
The Frost Giants Talked and Planned
All Night
The Frost Giant Flew Into The House
While Thor Was Asleep
Loki Borrows the Falcon Suit
Thor as a Bride
Thor and Loki Approach the House of
the Giants
Thor and Loki
Met by Thrym

Thrym Puts the Hammer in Thor's Lap
Thor Regains his Hammer |