Historical Illustrations
Freyja's Chariot 1780-Present
Also see:
Freyja and her Necklace Brisingamen &
Freyja's Fressa: A Car Drawn by Cats?
From the First Muse
"In 1778 Johannes Ewald’s
singspiel Balders Død was performed in
Copenhagen, and this inspired the sculptor Wiedewelt to
make a series of 72 sketches, among which this one of
Freyja seated on a chariot drawn by cats — a subject not
often attempted since cats are hard to present
convincingly as draught animals (4)."
—Hans Kuhn,
Greek Gods in Northern Costumes

1780 Johannes Wiedewelt
In the 1820s, Finnur
Magnússon reported a conversation that he had had with
the great sculptor Bertil Thorvaldsen on the
subject—unprovoked, as he emphasized:
"Objections have been made to unsightly
elements in Freya’s team of beasts [i.e., the cats
to which her car was harnessed], and at first glance
these do not seem groundless; but one of the
greatest artists of our land and age, namely,
Thorvaldsen, declared to me orally, and without any
prompting from my side, that he did find that
objection groundless. A soulful artist would know
how to portray Freya’s cats with beautiful
tiger-like forms, and moreover with a character of a
sort that could interest a thinking onlooker."

1831 Artist Unknown
Author: Gustav T. Legis

1837 Leopold Ziegelhauser
Allgemeine Populäre Götterlehre
1850 Robert Müller
from the Fresco Cycle
dem Sagenkreis der Edda"
in the Neues Museum, Berlin. The fresco was damaged in WWII
and abandoned until the unification of Germany.
Right: B & W photo from 1928
Left: After Restoration in 2001 |

Freyr on Gullinbursti— The Sons of Ivaldi —
Freyja and her Cats

Detail Freyja Persues her husband Odur

Odur |

Freyja |

1852 Nils Blommér

1865 Ludwig Pietsch

1867 Hugo Blomberg
KPM (Köngliche Porzellan-Manufakur, Berlin)

1869 Artist Unknown
George Eastman Collection Lantern Slide

1881 David Murray Smith |

1883 Jessie MacGregor
Sketch for the Painting
"The Wanderings of Freyja" |

1884 Johann Gehrts |

1885 Lorenz Frölich
(Top Panel) |

Before 1886 Artist Unknown


1893 B.L.
"Freyja's Cats" |

1894 Liebig Meat Extract Ad

1901 H.L.M

Carl Emil
('the younger')

1909 Maria Klugh

1909 John P. Edmison

1920 Donn T. Crane

1930 Charles E. Brock

1930 Katharine Pyle
1967 Ingri and Edgar Darin

1978 Giovanni Casselli

1981 Swedish Stamp

1995 Kris Waldherr

F is for Freyja
by Marfknox-on-Etsy

by Mitzi

2007 Mickie Mueller |

Sandlady's Art 2008

2009 Woodwose at Deviant Art

Rinisyou on DeviantArt 2010
Freya's Chariot
2012 Cat Parade, Leper, Belgium

2013 Howard David Johnson

2015 Dani Kaulakis

2015 Christina Balit |

Freyr and Freyja
Igor Ozhiganov
If you can identify the artist, please
contact me

Earlier Images Related to this Tradition

Witch Riding a Cat
Schleswiger Cathedral, c. 12th

Album Amicorum of Juliana de Roussel, 1669
Venus in her Car drawn by Cats
The following image of Freyja's Chariot by Henry Justice Ford
doesn't follow the traditional Nordic sources, in that he has
her chariot pulled by swans. However, he seems to have
merely substituted Freyja from the Greco-Roman goddess Venus or
Aphrodite. An image of the goddess Venus in her wagon pulled by
geese appeared in several early sources that described Germanic
Gods. Through interpretatio romana, Venus was
identified with the Germanic goddess Frija (identified
as Frigg or Freyja) in the 4th century transliteration of the
weekdays where the Latin dies Veneris became the
English Friday. In Greek Mythology Aphrodite's chariot
was drawn by doves or swans. She is sometimes depicted riding a
goose or swan side-saddle.

The Golden Chariot of Freya

1492 Conrad Bote
Cronecken der Sassen
The Saxon Chronicle

1588 Johannes Pomarius
Chronika der Sachsen und Niedersachsen
The Chronicle of Saxony and Lower Saxony

1691 Trogillus Arnkiel's
The Cimbrish Heathen Religion