The Goddess Freia drawn in a chariot by
two wild cats.
A product of the Royal Porcelain
Manufactory in Berlin
(German: Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur
Berlin, KPM)
August Gotthold Dietrich Hugo, Baron von Blomberg, was a poet
and painter, born at Berlin Sept 26, 1820. He studied under Karl
Wilhelm Wach in the Academy at Berlin, and under Léon
Cogniet at Paris, where he copied Rubens's works in the Louvre.
He died at Weimar, Thuringia on July 17, 1871.
Shown at the International Exhibition in Paris, 1867, in a
section which celebrated the Norse legends, this example and a
set of five vases with subjects based on the "Nibelungen" legend
were singled out for attention by the British critics.
The Illustrated London News, Volume 51, 1867, p. 303:
"What we say about the porcelain of Saxony applies also to that
of the Royal manufactory of Berlin, though this is in advance of
the other. In the large vases of Berlin porcelian a great
difficulty has been avoided by producing them in biscuit. The
forms do not fail in elegance, and we illustrate this by giving
one of these biscuit vases, on which is represented a group of
Venus, Vulcan and Paris. There is a series of five vases in the
form of jars, also in biscuit, with subjects painted in brown
upon a grey-coloured ground, representing scenes from the German
epic of the Nibelungen. These vases are painted after designs by
Professor Kolbe, brother of the late manager; we say late
manager, for Councillor Kolbe of the Royal manufactory, died May
27th last. We give some idea of these singular productions of
the vases of Theodise style, where Professor Hugo von Blomberg
of Berlin has represented the goddess Freia in a chariot drawn
by two wild cats. This series of vases proves the late lamented
manager sought a style of decoration which has a German
character, and that in this he was sucessful."
The Art Journal of the Paris Universal Exhibition, Volume 15,
1868, p. 302:
"Prussia, to which we may now add Saxony, for the fortunes of
war have recently united these two formerly independent
kingdomes into one, —and they were associated together in the
Exhibition— next demands notice. With the exception of works
from the two Royal Manufactories of Berlin and Dresden, the
contributions from these countries, so far as relates to
high-class porcelain, were few, and only in two or three
instances, valuable from an artistic point of view. Yet from
neither country, nor from Austria, do we perceive indications of
advance in the ceramic arts. From the Royal Manufactory of
Berlin were numerous examples of painted vases (see p. 28).
Especially worth noting was a series of five, in the form of
jars, decorated with scenes from the 'Nibelungen,' painted in
bistre upon a light greyish ground. The designs for these
pictures were supplied by Professor Kolbe, brother of the late
manager of the Berlin works. On another vase Professor H.
Blomberg has represented the goddess Freia drawn in a chariot by
two wild cats; and another, which is divided into two sections
or bodies, shows a series of eight figures, modelled in high
relief, encircling the upper body. These figures represent the
eight old provinces of Prussia."
Vase, porcelain, painted in grisaille,
made by the Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Berlin,
designed by Hugo von Blomberg, 1867
Source |
The Art Journal of the Paris Universal Exhibition,
Volume 15, 1868, p. 28: |

Illustrirter Katalog der Pariser Industrie-Ausstellung
von 1867, p. 25:
Temple in the Moonlight by Hugo von Blomberg |