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Odin’s Mead: The Runesong of Yggdrasil
by Harry and Nicola Wendrich
Available from Wendrich artHouse
216 pages, Hardcover


Odin’s Mead is essentially a view of the Futhark Runes and Yggdrasil, received through the words of Odin, the Norns and many inhabitants of Yggdrasil, in meditation by experienced practitioners, Harry and Nicola Wendrich.  The purpose of Odin’s Mead is to show the awareness gained primarily of Odin and Frigg, culminating in a series of Rune Poems – in Odin’s terminology, “Runesong” – generated from both our experiences of the Runes within Midgard and the wisdom spoken by the inhabitants of the Nine Worlds of Yggdrasil.  Nine Mighty Runesongs are employed within an associated divination procedure directed by the Norns, the Rune-cutting formula of Hávamál is expounded, and the nature of the Mead of Poetry elucidated by Odin.  Example meditations are included, with original black and white illustrations.  
 I come from a place of no time.
I knew you from the very beginning and I was you from the very beginning:
I am your ancestral father, All-Father.
I am your ancestors that dwell within the Earth and within you.
The conscious part of the soul holds the memories of the conscious point of the Earth, and that memory is me.
I am ancient, and although that ancient knowledge has been with you, it has been completely suppressed.
I am the awakening of that ancient knowledge – an understanding of connection to everything,
 and particularly the Earth itself.
In some ways, I am the Earth speaking, through me to you.
Remember, I am in you.
Our connection is always:
As you are a daughter of the Earth, so I am your father.
Recognise the voice of Mother Earth through me, within you.  
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Vikings Bók: The Poetic Edda
Translated by Olive Bray
Revised by Wolf Wickham

The Vikings Bók, commonly known as the Poetic Edda, is the spiritual foundation for the Heathen revival today. It is the indigenous, historical remains of a once widespread Teutonic spirituality that has been too long absent from the Western world. This newly revised edition is based on the rare and highly acclaimed Olive Bray translation. Together with a New Glossary of modern Heathen terms and a concise introduction, this single source book is a practical "must have" for those interested in following the Northern Way!

This is the newly updated, and complete wisdom and prophesy of The Vikings Bók, commonly known as the Poetic Edda--the Bible of the northern European, pre-Christian, Heathen religion--translated by Olive Bray and revised for modern learners of the Northern Way by the editor, Wolf Wickham.

Praise for Vikings Bók: The Poetic Edda

"An affordable, compact edition of the Bray translation updated for a modern audience, this book makes a great portable addition to every heathen's library." —William Reaves

Völva Stav

by Kari C. Tauring

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Kari Tauring is an American Staff Carrier of her European and American traditions, a Völva. Völva is a word reclaimed from Old Norse meaning “staff or wand carrier.” Völva maintain alignment with the world tree creating a state of seidr consciousness that allows them to perceive the web of wyrd. They speak the truth of what is perceived, project possible future outcomes and make recommendations for acting on the information. Völva Stav issues from the living folk soul of Tauring’s European American heritage and several decades of scholarship and spiritual and musical expression. Völva Stav uses the staff and tein for rhythm, song and chant, storytelling and journey in healing orlag, inherited cultural grief, and broken traditions. Völva Stav brings the practitioner on a culturally specific journey through time, space, and memory. From Northern Europe’s earliest Paleolithic shamanic iconography to the staff carrier of the Immigrant Era, the practice of Völva Stav helps one remember and integrate Norse mythology, cosmology, theology, and ritual.

Other works and recordings by Kari Tauring:

   —The Runes: A Human Journey, 2007
   —Völva Songs, 2008
   —Kari Tauring and Huldre: Live at the Capri, 2009

The Runes:
A Human Journey

by Kari C. Tauring
edited by David de Young

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Tauring and de Young have put together a rune book of the Elder Futhark that is at once personal and universal. Ms. Tauring’s writing style is poetic, the voice of a storyteller appealing to newcomers and academics alike.    

 In The Runes: A Human Journey, she fleshes out the meaning and impact of the runes drawing on her 20 plus years of working with them, as well as from her studies in anthropology, archeology, theology and philosophy. The extensive glossary is written in the same entertaining style and makes a good read on its own.

Kari C. Tauring began her rune explorations in 1989. She creates, uses, studies, and teaches the runes and other Nordic Roots material at events and workshops in the Twin Cities and abroad. Tauring's intimate knowledge and understanding of the runes and related Norse material comes through in her one-on-one readings, public workshops and theatrical productions.


    Kari C. Tauring, Völva

by Gavin Chappell

 The Legendary History of the Anglo-Saxon People,
from the Coming of the Sheaf-Child to the Settlement of England compiled from diverse sources.

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The Guests of Odin
by Gavin Chappell

THE GUESTS OF ODIN: VIKING GODS AND HEROES is a popular retelling of Norse mythology that concentrates on the stories of the heroes, culled from the sagas, the Eddas, and the writings of Saxo Grammaticus – thirteen of the Guests of Odin, the chosen slain who feast in the hall of Valhalla.

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Days in Midgard:
A Thousand Years On

 by Steven T. Abell

Where is it that gods go after they've been banished? Maybe they haven't gone anywhere. In oblique encounters with passing strangers, the lives of ordinary and not-so-ordinary people turn in new and interesting directions. These stories are based on the myths of the Vikings, but they contain nothing magical or supernatural. Or do they? Sometimes it's hard to tell. Perhaps the magic lies in living men and women as they spend, and sometimes end, their Days in Midgard.

        If you like Norse Mythology, you will enjoy this book, and for reasons that might surprise you. These modern legends bring your favorite gods into the present day through many different doors, from a truck stop diner to a biochemist's bedroom and beyond.

Praise For Days in Midgard

"Abell's stories have the advantage of being poetic and realistic, funny and serious, all at once."  —Eric Goodwyn

"This book entices and intrigues and delights." —Henry Lauer

"The book is engaging, and true to the lore in spirit and in detail."
—William Reaves

"Mr. Abell draws in the reader with evocative imagery and fascinating storylines."
— Drew Ward

Asatru for Beginners

by Erin Lale

This is an easy-to-read introduction to the heathen religion Asatru. The book starts with a list of frequently asked questions. The next chapter is history, which begins with heathen mythology, covers the prehistory of ancient Europe, the history of barbarian contact with Rome, and continues with the history of heathenism up to the present day. The next two chapters are handy lists of gods and other beings. Then comes the section on rituals, including holiday celebrations, toasting rituals, weddings and other life events. The chapter on beliefs and morality explains the heathen world view and answers specific questions on how Asatru relates to the modern world. The chapter on magic introduces runes, seidh, spells, and bersarkrgangr. Finally, the resources chapter lists recommendations for further study and contact information for the major Asatru organizations in America. Whether or not you're a beginner, you'll find excellent knowledge here.
Lale is a respected religious scholar who has been asked to review an academic journal on her blog Lale's Magical Thinking Emporium, and was recently consulted by an anthropologist about the orthography on the inscription on a 10th century sword found in Russia. Her previous works of religious scholarship include the academic paper Paganism Among the Early Slavs.

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Rune Song
 A story cycle
by Albert Burger 

 It has been two decades since Thiot (Book One) was first written. Since the conception of the story, the study of the historical, cultural, and mythological background has occupied me, yet this obviously is not a scholarly work. Nevertheless I have provided a new literal translation of the main Icelandic sources, and otherwise identified works that are more or less directly cited in the text.
          The manuscript can perhaps be described by the genre of its four books that respectively create a seamless flow through science fiction, fantasy, mythology, and fairy tale. Many of the mythological, cultural, and historical contents can be found in the links under Eddukvaeði in writings, where also most of the music incorporated in the manuscript can be listened to in streaming form.  

The appearance of any work here does not constitute an endorsement of that work or its author.

Caveat emptor.

Submission Guidelines:

*All Heathen Books are welcome.
*Requests must be made by the author, publisher or publicist. 
*All requests should be submitted to Webmaster along with
1. A .jpg photo of the cover of your book or a related piece of artwork.
2. A descriptive blurb about your book.
3. The website from which you prefer readers to purchase your book, to be posted as a link. If your book is published online, I can link directly to the site— whatever you prefer.


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