Historic Collections and Commentaries

on Icelandic Sagas

1818 Sturlunga-Saga edr Íslendínga-Saga hin mikla

1825-1837 Formanna Sögur in 12 Volumes

Íslendínga Sögur

Kongelige Nordiske oldskriftselskab

1829 Vol. I Íslendíngabók, Landnámabók
1847 Vol. 2 Harðar saga og Hólmverja
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
1896 Vol. 5 Ljóstvetninga Saga
Vol. 6

1892 Hugo Gering and Eugene Mogk

Altnordische Saga-Bibliothek, Volumes 1-3

1893 British Museum
Catalogue of Romances in the Department of
Manuscripts  in the British Museum, Vol. II

1905 Gudbrand Vigfusson and F. York Powell
Origines Islandicae

A collection of the more important sagas and other native writings
relating to the settlement and early history of Iceland.

Vol. I
Vol. II

1913 William Craigie
The Icelandic Sagas

Halldór Hermannsson
1908 Vol. 1: Bibliography of the Icelandic Sagas and Minor Tales
1909 Vol. 2: The Northmen in America (p. 127ff.)
1910 Vol. 3: Bibliography of the Sagas of the Kings of Norway
1911 Vol. 4: The Ancient Laws of Norway and Iceland (p. 77 ff.)
1912 Vol. 5: Bibliography of the Mythical-Heroic Sagas [Fornaldarsögur] (p. 89 ff.)

1916 Oscar Ludvig Olson
The Relation of the Hrólfs Saga Kraka
and the Bjarkarímur to Beowulf


1976 Lars Lönnroth
Njáls Saga: a Critical Introduction