"Hear the deep sound from the North Baldur's fold in childhood's day; The war-trumpet, Heimdall's horn, At Bragi's silver-harps play! Hear the lullaby that Norn's Once sang for the nation's ear And a Nordic youth's spirit Still delights to hear!"
—Quoted in 'Our Fathers' Godsaga'
Viktor Rydberg
The Complete Mythological Works
1886 -or-
Investigations into Germanic Mythology Vol. 1 A New Annotated Translation
by William P. Reaves
Fädernas gudasaga -or- Our Fathers’ Godsaga The 3rd and Final Epic
1889 -or- Investigations into Germanic Mythology Vol. 2
Republished as Teutonic Mythology: Gods and Goddesses of the Northland 1905-08
Earlier Mythological Works
Sagan om Svårdet The Saga of the Sword The 1st Epic In Progress by William P. Reaves Foreword Chapters 1-9
1884 -or-
by William P. Reaves
Writings on Runes 1873 -or- 'Towards the interpretation of the North's oldest runic inscriptions'
in Svenska Fornminnesföreningens
Heimdall the Culture-Bringer
To view a short film of the interior of the hall containing this amazing fresco, click here. |
![]() "I feel a certain tranquility when I now see that the results of these investigations worked on over many years were not for nothing, but are condensed into a book that on library shelves will be accessible to future researchers in the field. As far as my Scandinavian contemporaries are concerned, being that they are the 'professionals' in the field, I expect no recognition from them. If I get any recognition at all, it shall make me happier still. But of prime importance is that my work be published in one of these three languages: English, German, or French." ![]() |
Rydberg's Reconstruction of Old Norse
Cosmology derived from the Poetic Edda ![]()
makes Viktor Rydberg's interpretation of
Germanic mythology unique is twofold: