Viktor Rydberg's Investigations into Germanic Mythology, Vol. I Undersökningar i Germanisk Mytologi, första delen, 1886 A Revised English Translation with Annotation
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A working translation based on Anderson's text,
PART II — MEDIÆVAL MIGRATION SAGAS (A) The Learned Saga in Regard to the Emigration From Troy-AsgardChapters 7-14 [.pdf file] 7. The Saga in Heimskringla and the Prose Edda 8. The Troy Saga and Prose Edda 9. Saxo’s Relation to the Story of Troy 10. Older Periods of the Troy Saga 11. Story of the Origin of Trojan Descent of the Franks 12. Odin as Leader of the Trojan Emigration 13. Materials of the Icelandic Troy Saga 14. Result of Foregoing Investigations (B) Popular Traditions of the Middle Ages Chapters 15-19 [.pdf file]
The Longobardian Migration Saga
16. Saxon and Swabian Migration Saga 17. The Frankish Migration Saga 18. Migration Saga of the Burgundians 19. Teutonic Emigration Saga PART III — THE MYTH CONCERNING THE EARLIEST PERIOD AND THE EMIGRATIONS FROM THE NORTH Chapters 20-43 [.pdf file] 20. Myths Concerning the Creation of Man 21. Scef, the Original Patriarch 22. Borgar-Skjold, the Second Patriarch 23. Halfdan, the Third Patriarch 24. Halfdan’s Enmity with Orvandel and Svipdag 25. Halfdan’s Identity with Mannus 26. Sacred Runes Learned from Heimdall 27. Sorcery, the Reverse of Sacred Runes 28a. Heimdall and the Sun Goddess 28b. Loki Causes Enmity Between Gods and Creators 29. Halfdan Identical with Helgi 30. The End of the Age of Peace 31. Halfdan’s Character. The Weapon-Myth 32. War with the Heroes from Svarin’s Mound 33. Review of the Svipdag Myth 34. The World-War and its Causes 35. Myth Concerning the Sword Guardian 36. Breach Between Asas Vans. Siege of Asgard 37. Significance of the World-War 38. The War in Midgard. Hadding’s Adventures 39. Position of the Divine Clans to the Warriors 40. Hadding’s Defeat 41. Loki’s Punishment 42. Original Model of the Bravalla Battle 43. The Dieterich Saga
![]() Chapters 44-95 [.pdf file] 44. Myth in Regard to the Lower World 45. Gudmund, King of the Glittering Plains 46. Ruler of the Lower World 47. Fjallerus and Hadingus in the Low World 48. A Frisian Saga, Adam of Bremen 49. Odainsaker and the Glittering Plains 50. Identification of Odainsaker 51. Gudmund’s Identity with Mimir 52. Mimir’s Grove 53. Myth in Regard to the Lower World 54. Myth Concerning Mimir’s Grove 55. Mimir’s Grove and Regeneration of the World 56. Gylfaginning’s Cosmography 57. The Word Hel in Linguistic Usage 58. The Word Hel in Vegtamskvida and in Vafthrudnismal 59. Border Mountain Between Hel and Niflhel 60. Description of Niflhel 61. Who the Inhabitants of Hel are 62. The Classes of Beings in Hel 63. The Kingdom of Death 64. Valkyries, Psycho-messengers of Diseases 65. The Way of Those who Fall by the Sword 66. Risting with the Spear-point 67. Loki’s Daughter, Hel 68. Way to Hades Common to the Dead 69. The Doom of the Dead 70. Speech-Runes Ords Tírr Námæli 71. The Looks of the Thingstead 72. The Hades Drink 73. The Hades Horn Embellished with Serpents 74. The Lot of the Blessed 75. Arrival at the Na-gates 76. The Places of Punishment 77. The Hall in Nastrands 78. Loke’s Cave of Punishment 79. The Great World-Mill 80. The World-Mill 81. The World-Mill makes the Constellations Revolve 82. Origin of the Sacred Fire 83. Mundilfore’s Identity with Lodur 84. Nat, Mother of the Gods 85. Narfi, Nat’s Father 86. Giant Clans Descended from Ymer 87. Identity of Mimer and Nidhad 88. Review of Mimer’s Names and Epithets 89. The Mead Myth 90. The Moon and the Mead 91. Myths of the Moon-God 92. The Moon-Dis Nanna 93. Cosmographic Review 94. Story of the Seven Sleepers 95. The Anthropology of the Mythology PART V — THE IVALDI FAMILY A new translation, fully annotated with modern references Chapters 96-100 [.pdf file]96. Svipdag and Groa 97. Menglad’s Identity with Freyja 98. The Sword of Revenge 99. Örvandel, the Star-Hero 100. Svipdag Identical with Otharus Chapters 101-109 [.pdf file] 101. Svipdag in Saxo’s Account of Hotherus 102. Ericus Disertus in Saxo 103. The Svipdag Synonym Eirikr 104. Later Fortunes of the Völund Sword 105. The Svipdag Epithet “Skirnir” 106. Transformation and Death of Svipdag 107. Reminiscences of the Svipdag Myth 108. Orvandel, Egil and Ebbo 109. Frey Fostered in the Home of Orvandel Chapters 110-113 [.pdf file] 110. Ivaldi, Svipdag’s Grandfather 111. Parallel Myths in Rigveda 112. Judgment Passed on the Ivalde Sons 113. Ölvaldi and Ivaldi Sons Identical Chapters 114-123 [.pdf file] 114. A Review of Thorsdrapa 115. Of Völund’s Identity with Thjassi 116. The Worst Deed of Revenge 117. the Guard at Hvergelmer and the Elivagar 118. Slagfin, Egil, and Völund 119. The Niflung Hoard Left by Völund 120. Slagfin-Gjuki a Star-Hero 121. Slagfin’s Appearance in the Moon Myth 122. Review of the Synonyms of Ivaldi’s Sons 123. Ivaldi Last updated March 2021 Volume II |
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