The Iconography of Óðinn |
A number of images appear
throughout the corpus of Iron Age Scandinavian physical
culture whose features have resulted in researchers
comparing them with, or identifying them with Óðinn.
Worth particular attention here is a motif-group
comprising a number of horned figures (some with one
eye), appearing on a variety of mediums, which have long
been identified with Óðinn by a number of researchers.143
Mikaela Helmbrecht recently constructed a comprehensive
overview of the images as a group, with the conclusion
that a connection must exist between these images and
the figure of Óðinn (Helmbrecht, 2008, pp. 31-54). The
same conclusion was also reached by Neil Price, who has
argued that the horned figures with one eye can be
placed alongside a variety of other items featuring an
altered or damaged eye, including the Sutton Hoo and
Valsgärde helmets, all of which, to his mind, also
indicate Óðinn worship (N. Price, 2014, pp. 517-538).
These images will be the center focus of this study, in
which the aim is to focus on the nature, dating and
distribution of these items to see whether there is
reason to connect them to Óðinn, and if so, whether they
add further weight to the evidence given above for the
suggestion that the acceptance of Óðinn was related to
the acceptance of new forms of rulership in southern
6.3.1 Bird-Headed Terminals and
Horned Figures
Images of figures wearing some kind of horned
headdress are naturally not new (Coles, 2005, pp. 35, 64, 159).
In Scandinavia alone, images of this kind appear as early as the
Stone Age, and horned costumes were still being used by costumed
Nordic guisers in the twentieth century (Gunnell 1995, pp.
98-117). Of course, this does not indicate that all of these
images refer to a fixed concept that remained static throughout
the several-thousand-year period over which they appear (over
and above the fact that they must at some level have a reference
to horned animals). On the contrary, as Helmbrecht argues, even
if an image of this kind remains formally stable over time,
there is a strong likelihood that its meaning for people would
have varied in accordance with its immediate context
(Helmbrecht, 2008, p. 33). As such, “horned figures” in general
are not the main focus here, but rather the specific motif-group
noted above, featuring figures in horned, or flat-bowed
headdresses, which date to the Vendel era and Viking Age, and
are found primarily in southern Scandinavia and eastern
Anglo-Saxon England. It is noteworthy that the headdress in
question often terminates in bird heads, and that (as Price
underlines), the figure occasionally has an intentionally
damaged or missing eye.
As noted above,
Helmbrecht made a case study of the entire motif-group in 2008,
using all of those images known to her, although some dozen or
so additional figures have since been found (private e-mail from
Helmbrecht, dated 2017-03-13). In her research, Helmbrecht makes
a careful classification of these images within which she has
identified six subgroups, based on dating, context, and the
physical attributes of the items in question. She also provides
a map, and a chart in which each of the individual objects is
numbered, along with details of their find spot, the type of
object they are, their iconographic descriptions, their dating,
and their find context. Because of the importance of these
findings for the present thesis, a brief overview of
Helmbrecht’s subgroups will now be provided, along with image
examples of each. Following the overview, various particular
details will be addressed further.
Subgroup 1 (see figures 7
and 8) comprises of eight images, all dating to the Vendel
period, which were found primarily in wealthy, warrior graves in
eastern Scandinavia, mainly in and around Uppland, as well as in
eastern Anglo-Saxon England, from areas known to have been in
some contact with southern Scandinavia (see Chapter 5.2). One
example comes from Germany. The images appear only on pressed
sheet metal, or on a cast-die used for producing pressed sheet
metal. They appear on helmets found at Sutton Hoo and Valsgärde
(see further below), and on other parts of warrior gear
(including a belt buckle). All of them depict “dancing” or
running figures, sometimes in pairs (as on figure 8), wielding
weapons. In seven of the eight images, the figures are wielding
a pair of spears. The “horns” clearly form part of headgear worn
by the figures, and in five of the eight images it is noteworthy
that these horns end in a pair of bird heads (in one case this
is unclear). Only one of the horned figures in this group is
depicted as having one eye (that from Torslunda).
Figure 7.
An example of Subgroup 1.
The "Torslunda Dancer". |
Figure 8.
An example of Subgroup 1.
"Twin Warriors" on the
Sutton Hoo helmet plate. |
Subgroup 2 (see figures 9 and 10) of
the horned figures comprises of only two images, both of which
appear on helmets from Valsgärde dated to the seventh century.
They depict a mounted warrior, riding into combat, behind which
is a small figure, which Helmbrecht describes as a “helping
figure”. The figure in question, which seems to be standing on
the back of the horse, is holding a spear in one hand and has
clear terminals coming out of its head which end in bird heads.
Helmbrecht describes the figure as either running or dancing
behind the warrior (Helmbrecht, 2008, p. 34). It seems to me,
however, that the figure is holding the shaft of the warrior’s
spear, as if to guide it. Based on this observation, these
“helping figures” can be compared to other, almost identical
images, which are found on the Sutton Hoo helmet, and on a gold
disc brooch from Pliezhausen, Germany (figures 11 and 12),
likewise dated to the early seventh century.
Figure 9.
An example of Subgroup 2.
A Valsgärde 7 helmet plate. |
10. An example of Subgroup 2.
A Valsgärde 8 helmet plate. |
Figure 11. The Pliezhausen Disc |
Figure 12
The "Helping Figure" from a
Sutton Hoo helmet plate.
Subgroup 3 (see figures 13
and 14) consists of nine figures, found exclusively in southern
Scandinavia, which appear on one possible brooch, three coins
and two pendants, as well as the Oseberg tapestry from Norway
(three images), all of which are dated to the Viking Age. The
two brooches were found in women’s graves. The same applies to
the Oseberg tapestry which was found in the famous boat grave of
a woman who clearly belonged to the upper milieu of society, and
who possibly had a religious role within her milieu (N. Price,
2002, p. 159). The remaining pieces are stray finds or were
discovered at settlements. Most of these figures seem to be
standing, or walking, and most are carrying a staff or a pair of
baton-shaped objects in one hand (as in figure 14, which offers
obvious parallels to the images in Subgroup 1), and a weapon
such as a sword in the other (in some cases, as in figure 13 it
appears the figure is holding a sword in one hand, and the
sheath to the sword in the other. The horns on the headgear of
these figures either end as points, or as ambiguous knobs that
could perhaps have originally represented birds’ heads.
Figure 13. A pendant from Birka |
Figure 14. An example from Subgroup 3.
A coin, find-spot unknown
(from Helmbrecht, 2008 p. 37) |
Vendel Bronze Figure
Kungsängen, Uppland |
Horned Figure Leading Wagon Procession
Oseberg Tapestry, c. 850
Subgroup 4 (see figures 15 and 16) consists
of four objects found at settlement sites or stray finds in
Scania, and Denmark, which date to the Vendel or early Viking
Age, including one found near the hall and cult-house at Tissø,
and likewise at Uppåkra. The objects in question are
three-dimensional figurines or busts featuring a standing man
with large bow-shaped horns, which clearly do not end in animal
or bird heads. The shafts of these figures suggest that they
were fixed to an object, but it is uncertain what their use was.
It is worth noting that two of the objects seem to have once
been holding something. Only one of the figures from this group,
the figure from Uppåkra, is depicted as having one eye (see
below and figure 15).
15. An example from Subgroup 4.
A figure from near the
Uppåkra hall and cult-house. |
16. An example from Subgroup 4.
A figure from near the
Tissø hall and cult-house. |
Subgroup 5 (see figure 17) is comprised of five objects which
are very similar to those in Subgroup 4. The objects in question
take the form of busts of the head and sometimes upper torso of
a male figure, and appear to have been fixed onto another
object. Unlike the figures in Subgroup 4, however, the horns on
these figures end in clear, even elaborate bird heads (much like
those in Subgroups 1 and 6), the ends of which touch to form a
complete ring. One of the objects from this group again is
one-eyed (from Staraja Ladoga). The objects in question are all
from the Vendel era and Viking Age, their dates ranging from the
seventh century through to the ninth. They are found in southern
Scandinavia, eastern England, and Russia (at Staraja Ladoga, a
Scandinavian settlement: see further below), three of them in
graves (one belonging to a woman), while the other two come from
settlement sites.
17. An example from Subgroup 6.
A figure from Staraga Ladoga. |
16. An example from Subgroup 6.
A fragment of tweezers from Ihre Gotland. |
The final Subgroup 6 (see figure 18) is
comprised of five objects representing a style of head that
diverges somewhat from those so far mentioned. According to
Helmsbrecht, these figures probably belong to a different motif,
that of a “head with two flanking animals”, which finds
similarities throughout Scandinavia and Slavic regions
(Helmsbrecht, 2008, p. 39). Two of the figures in question were
found in graves (one belonging to a woman), while another one
was found at a settlement site. Two were isolated finds. All of
the objects were found in Southern and central Sweden and
Denmark, and date primarily to the Vendel period, although some
come from the early Viking Age. The objects all consist of a
human head flanked by two downturned birds’ heads. As noted
above, it is clear that only three of the horned-figures
described above are one-eyed (those from Torslunda, Uppåkra, and
Staraja Ladoga), although Helmsbrecht mentions a further
one-eyed, horned figure that will be discussed further below. As
noted above, recent research by Neil Price has demonstrated that
the motif of the “One Eye” needs to be considered in a wider
context, since the motifs extend beyond the horned figures
themselves. They are also found on other images connected to the
same kind of warrior gear as that associated with many of the
horned figures, including eye-guards found on the headgear worn
by aristocratic warriors, as will be seen in connection with the
Sutton Hoo helmet discussed further below (N. Price, 2014, pp.
6.3.2 One-Eyed Figures
6.3.2.a One-Eyed Figures with Horns or Birds’ Heads |
For obvious reasons, not least relating to the fact that
in medieval Icelandic literature Óðinn is often described as
having one eye,146
it is logical to focus a little more closely on those horned
figures mentioned above which also have only one eye. These
appear in the following contexts:
The Torslunda Dancer
(sixth-eighth century):147
This image appears on part of a sheet metal stamping matrix
found from Torslunda, on the Swedish island of Öland. It is
worth noting that the scene depicts a dancing, horned figure
beside a second figure dressed in a wolf costume, the horns on
the horned figure’s head ending once again in two birds’ heads.
Using laser-scanning, scholars from the Archaeological Research
Laboratory in Stockholm have conclusively demonstrated that the
figure’s right eye has been struck out with a squaretipped
object, probably a chisel (see Arrhenius and Freij, 1992, pp.
76-81). What this means is that the image was originally
manufactured with both eyes, and that someone intentionally
stabbed out an eye after this occurred.
The Staraja Ladoga
Horned Figure (eighth-ninth century).148
This bronze figure which was probably designed to go on the end
of a handle to an unknown object was found among a hoard of
smith’s tools at a Scandinavian settlement from Staraja Ladoga,
in Russia, and has been dated to between 750 and 800. The handle
represents a man’s head, crowned with horns which terminate in
bird’s heads (Roesdahl and Wilson, 1992, p. 298). Its left eye
had clearly been struck out with a sharp object (Price, 2014, p.

Torslunda Bronze helmet plate
The Uppåkra Horned Figure
(eighth-tenth century).149
This horned figure was found at Uppåkra, not far from the
eyebrow ridge mentioned in Chapter 5.4.1 and discussed further
below. The figurine in question has been dated to the ninth
century and represents a standing man with horned terminals
rising from his head. As noted above, since the horns are
broken, it is unknown if they terminated in bird’s heads or not.
In this case, the figures’ right eye has been depressed into a
concave hole, while the left eye remained convex after its
manufacturing (Bergqvist, 1999, pp. 119-21; Helmbrecht, 2008,
pp. 35-43).
Ribe Horned Pendant (eighth-tenth century). This small pendant
was found at Ribe in Denmark, the same market settlement in
which the skull fragment with the Óðinnic runicinscription noted
in Chapter 6.1 was found. The pendant is of a male head with a
moustache and horned headgear. Here, the right eye is marred
with a clear punch-mark from a sharp object. As with the others,
this clearly occurred after the object was manufactured
(Helmbrecht, 2008, p. 43).
Pendant |
Pendant 4cm |
6.3.2.b One-Eyed Figures Without Horns
As noted above, Price and others
have suggested that several other one-eyed figures should be
considered alongside those which have horned headdresses, so
these will also be noted here:
The Valsgärde Helmet 7 Animal-Crest (seventh-eighth
century). It is worth noting that the helmet found in Valsgärde
burial 7 features a prominent crest which terminates in an
animal head just over the brow of the face-guard. The animal’s
eyes are made from garnet. While the right eye is made of a
light garnet and backed with gold-foil, the left eye was made
with a dark garnet, and is not backed with a foil (a pattern
which was repeated elsewhere: see below). The effect of the
missing foil behind the garnet, and the use of a darker garnet,
is that it causes one of the beast’s eyes to shine much brighter
than the other. The difference between the two eyes is stark and
obvious, and, as will be discussed further below, must have been
an intentional stylistic effect (see figure 20).
20. Valsgärde Helmet 7. |
7 Helmet.
Recreation by D. Huggins |
The Vendel Grave 12
Animal-Grip (seventh century). Among the finds at the boat
burial at Vendel grave 12 was a shield, the grip of which
terminates in an animal head. It is interesting to note that the
animal head was given identical treatment to the one on the
helmet crest from Valsgärde. In other words, the left eye is not
backed with a gold foil, while the right eye is.
The Sutton Hoo Helmet
Animal-Crest (seventh century). The Sutton Hoo helmet features a
crest ending in an animal head, on which the garnet which forms
the left eye lacks a foil backing, much like that from Valsgärde
(see above).
The Elsfleth Buckle
Mask (late sixth century). Here, the silver-gilt tongue to a
buckle found at Elsfleth, in north-west Germany, is decorated
with a mask-like face, on which gouge marks are clearly visible,
leaving a jagged hole where the left eye had once been. The
buckle belongs to a group of equipment found in warrior graves,
such as Sutton Hoo (N. Price, 2014, p. 525).
Lindby Figurine (seventh century). This is a small figurine of a
standing man with a moustache and conical hat, found at Lindby,
in Scania. Here, the figure’s right eye is depicted as a simple
line, as if closed, while the left eye is “open” (Abram, 2011,
p. 8).

The Elsfleth Buckle Mask |
The Lindby Figure |
6.3.2.c The One-Eyed Masks
Perhaps most interesting of
all in the present context is that evidence also exists of
Iron-Age rulers or prominent aristocratic figures giving special
attention to one eye on the facemask of their own ceremonial
headgear. Either the masks of their helms would have been
manufactured to give the impression that the wearer was
one-eyed, or else altered as a means of emphasizing an eye.
There is also evidence to suggest that rulers could have
ritually deposited one of the oculars or eye-guards of their
helm. These items add weight to the idea that the images
discussed above (and especially those with a ritual context like
the Torslunda helmet die and the processional images on the
Oseberg tapestry) might depict a ruler utilizing the concept of
being one-eyed in a ritualistic setting. In the very least, the
implication is that the images represent a concept that could
that on occasion be embodied by living, breathing members of
The Sutton Hoo Helm (early seventh century) (see
figure 23). The main item in this group is the famous, mask-like
ceremonial helmet found at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, England, which
came from a royal burial complex comprising of several mounds,
one of which contained a ship-burial, dating to sometime around
625 (Bruce-Mitford, 1974, p. 24). The individual buried in the
ship was undoubtedly a ruler. The nature of the artifacts, and
not least the style of the helm and the plates, which, as noted
above in Chapter 5.2.6 have close parallels to those found at
Valsgärde, Vendel, and Torslunda in Sweden, make it clear that
the figure in question belonged to the same elite milieu as that
discussed in Chapters 5.2-5.4, which was taking an
ever-increasing role in the Germanic world in the Age of
Migrations, and particularly in southern Scandinavia.150

Figure 23. The Sutton Hoo Helmet
British Museum
The Sutton Hoo helm was made of sheet-iron with a neck
guard, cheek guards, and a facemask. A prominent crest
terminating in animal heads runs the crown of the helm from back
to front, and part of the facemask is decorated with a flying
animal or dragon. The body of the animal forms the nose of the
mask, while its wings and tail form the brow ridges and
The surface of the helm is covered with bronze plates like those
also found on many of the Vendel and Valsgärde helms, which are
decorated with elaborate patterns and symbolic scenes of figures
dancing or fighting. Many of the panels on the Sutton Hoo helm
are badly damaged, and only some of the images are recoverable.
One of the panels in question already discussed above as
belonging to Subgroup 1, depicts a pair of dancing figures
wearing horned headgear terminating in pairs of birds’ heads
(figure 8). A second panel from the helmet, also mentioned above
in relation to Subgroup 2, depicts a riding warrior holding a
spear with a second, small figure “guiding” the spear from
behind (figure 12; see also Bruce-Mitford, 1974, pp. 13, 14,
Bearing in mind that fact that the helmet plates seem to
make reference to Óðinnic figures, it is interesting to note
that both of the eye openings of the mask are lined with
garnets, and that that the garnets lining the left eye are
curiously missing the gold-foil backings which are used on the
right eye of the helm. As has been noted from an early point,
this is particularly curious in the light of the fact that foil
backings for garnets are found in almost all of the other garnet
finds in the entire expansive Sutton Hoo collection (with one
exception: see below) (see Bruce-Mitford, 1978, p. 169; and
Marzinzik, 2007, pp. 29-30). There was obvious reason to
consider further what the reason for the lack of gold foil
behind the garnets of the left eye might be. As most scholars
agree, the purpose of gold or silver backings behind garnets was
to reflect light through the garnet and to allow the gem to
shine brightly.152
Without gold backings, the garnets lining the left eye would
have appeared dark and lusterless compared to those lining the
right eye (not least in firelight). Indeed, when Price and Paul
Mortimer tested a reconstruction of the Sutton Hoo helm, both
outdoors in bright sunlight, and particularly within the
firelight of reconstructed halls, they found that the eyes were
starkly contrasted. According to Price, from his observation
within the dim light of a hall, the mask appeared to be
one-eyed, not least because in the darkness the real eyes of the
wearer were not visible (Price, 2014, 522). In this context, it
is also worth bearing in mind that the same approach was taken
with the left eye of the animal crest on the helm. There is
logical reason to consider a potential connection between such a
helm and the objects that will be considered next.
Deposited Eye-Guards (see figures 21 and 22). As has
been mentioned in Chapter 5.4.1, just outside of the cult-house
at Uppåkra, a highly decorative eye-ridge was discovered which
could well have belonged to a helmet very much like those from
Sutton Hoo, Valsgärde, and Vendel. The eye-guard in question has
been dated, as with the others, to the Vendel period (Helgesson
223). Given the location of the find, just south of the
cult-house, and the spears and other military equipment ritually
deposited nearby, Price has argued that this eye-ridge must have
been taken off a helmet also been ritually deposited (Price,
2014, p. 523).
Figure 21. Brow Ridge from near Uppåkra
Figure 22. Eye guard from near Lejre |
It is noteworthy that the
deposited eye-ridge has a parallel found at Gevninge, just north
of Lejre in Denmark. Here, a metal detector discovered an entire
right ocular ring, with a sculpted brow, which would have
belonged to a helm much like the others discussed above. Like
those noted above, it is dated to the Merovingian period. Based
on the find context Christensen has similarly argued, based on
the find context, that the ocular was ritually deposited
(Christensen, 2002, p. 43).153
Footnotes |
The amount of literature that has
come about as a result of attempts to identify Óðinn in Iron Age
imagery is too large to detail here. Some individual images
appearing in the late Viking Age could be argued to depict
Óðinn, the fact that they are often dated to a point which is
later than this thesis regards, and due to the fact that they
often do not fall into a motif-group which can give insight,
they will not be regarded here. Perhaps the best example of a
probable Óðinn figure which will disregarded in this case study,
is the enthroned figure flanked by two birds, mentioned in a
footnote in Chapter 5.3.4. Other images which have frequently
been identified as Óðinn, but are much less convincing. One such
image is the figure of a figure riding an “eight-legged horse”
on the Alskog Tjängvide I and Ardre Kyrka VIII picture stones on
Gotland (Hejdström, 2012, p. 20) In short, the horse could be
running, and as Helmbrecht writes, “a drinking horn does not
make a valkyrie, a spear does not make Odin – these attributes
may just mark the figures as male or female” (Helmbrecht, 2012,
p. 86) Various bracteates have tentatively been interpreted as
representing Óðinn over the years and also deserve mention
because of their frequent mention here, and because of the
impact the research on them has had. Karl Hauck, the most
prominent scholar to make such arguments, in fact went as far as
arguing that most of the images on the Type A, B and C
bracteates (for a review of these types, see Hauck, 1986, pp.
474-512) were representative of Óðinn. In his attempt to
construct a coherent interpretive system out of the bracteate
iconography, Hauck argued that the Type C bracteates, in
particular, were pictorial equivalents to the myth related in
the Second Merseburg Charm (see footnote in Chapter 5 above),
and showed Óðinn healing the injured leg of a horse (Hauck,
1986, p. 487; 1998, p. 39). In the last twenty years, however,
Hauck’s arguments for the figure on the bracteates representing
Óðinn have faced considerable criticism. A comprehensive
overview of Hauck’s research and of the criticism it has faced
is provided by Nancy Wicker (2014, pp. 25-26). As Wicker shows,
Hauck’s identifications are too problematic to be relied upon.
If we disregard Hauck´s systemic interpretations of the
bracteates as depicting Óðinn, they become a heterogenous
collection of items that depict a wide variety of images and
image types (Wicker, 2014, p. 26). There is thus no trustworthy
means of including the bracteate iconography in this review of
Óðinnic iconography.
144 Both the Sutton Hoo
helmet and the Pliezhausen disc contain an almost identical
scene to that portrayed on the Valsgärde helmets: a rider on a
horse is trampling a fallen man. The warrior’s spear is hoisted,
and behind the rider is a little figure, posed like the helping
figures from Valsgärde, which has one hand on the rider’s spear.
It should be stressed however, that the helping figures from
both Pliezhausen and Sutton Hoo lack the horned helmet, and are
holding a buckler or shield in place of their own spear (see
figures 11 and 12 |
145 Unless otherwise
referenced, I am basing my overview here on Neil Price’s own
investigation into the “OneEye” motif: see N. Price, 2014, pp.
517-538. |
146 See, for example,
Gylfagynning, p. 17; Skaldskaparmál, p. 8; Vǫluspá, st. 28;
Vǫlsunga saga, p. 28.
147 This is the one-eyed figure
mentioned in Subgroup 1 above. See figures 7 and 19.
148 This is the one-eyed figure
mentioned in Subgroup 5 above. See figure 17.
149 This is the one-eyed figure
mentioned in Subgroup 4 above. See figure 15.
150 There are so many
similarities between the weapons and equipment found at Sutton
Hoo and that found in sites like Valsgärde and Vendel (including
the phenomena of the ship burial itself), that scholars have
regularly debated whether the items found, and not least the
ruler himself might have originated in Scandinavia rather than
England. See further Bruce-Mitford, 1974, pp. 1-60; and
Arwidsson, 1983, pp. 71-82 |
151 The process of
designing the nose and brow guards to look like an animal is
once again not unique to Sutton Hoo. It also appears on the
Vendel grave 14 helmet (Bruce-Mitford, 1974, plate 55; and
Arrhenius & Freij, 1992, pp. 75-110).
152 Price sums up the
importance of cloisonne-technique garnet-work as follows::
“Although garnets can be quite bright, especially if cut thinly,
when placed in this way against a solid background their lustre
is substantially dimmed. Early medieval jewel-smiths solved this
problem by inserting wafer-thin foils of gold, or occasionally
silver, at the base of the cells into which the garnets were
set. Stamped with a cross-hatched pattern, the foils reflected
light back through the stone to produce the gorgeous red glow
for which the Sutton Hoo regalia is known. The use of gold foils
in this way is virtually universal in Anglo-Saxon and
Merovingian cloisonné garnet jewelry, and Sutton Hoo is no
exception” (N. Price, 2014, p. 521).
Also deserving mention in this context is a bronze facemask from
the Roman iron Age, found within a house foundation at Hellvi on
the Swedish island of Gotland. This facemask was originally a
Roman cavalry parade helmet apparently representing Alexander
the Great (the second Roman parade helmet to be found in
Scandinavia). The mask seems to have been deposited in the
middle of the sixth century, a few hundred years after its
creation. What makes it both unique and relevant in the present
context is that at some point the original eyes of the mask were
removed and replaced with new ones made of polished bronze and
silver. These new eyes are unlikely to be Roman work, and are
believed to have been manufactured by Swedish smiths. According
to Price, the result would have been that the antique mask would
have had piercing, gold and silver colored eyes (N. Price, 2014,
p. 527). Of most interest here is that one of the eyes was
missing from the mask when it was found, although it was later
found in a later excavation in the same house. According to
Price it, is likely that the mask hung from the roof-bearing
pillar, and that one of its eyes was ritually removed and buried
in the floor below. The Hellvi mask is particularly interesting
because it is yet another example of Scandinavians emulating
Romans, in a local context (see also Chapters 5.2.5-5.2.6).