The True Story of the 13th Warrior
An Arab Travelogue describing
Vikings on the Volga River, c. 10th century
I saw the Rūsiyyah when they had
arrived on their trading expedition and had disembarked at the
River Ātil. I have never seen more perfect physiques than
theirs—they are like palm trees, are fair and reddish, and do
not wear the qurtaq
or the caftan. The
man wears a cloak with which he covers one half of his body,
leaving one of his arms uncovered. Every one of [6] them carries
an axe, a sword and a dagger and is never without all of that
which we have mentioned. Their swords are of the Frankish
variety, with broad, ridged blades. Each man, from the tip of
his toes to his neck, is covered in dark-green lines, pictures
and such like. Each woman has, on her breast, a small disc, tied
<around her neck>, made of
either iron, silver, copper or gold, in relation to her
husband’s financial and social worth. Each disc has a ring to
which a dagger is attached, also lying on her breast. Around [7]
their necks they wear bands of gold and silver. Whenever a man’s
wealth reaches ten thousand dirhams, he has a band made for his
wife; if it reaches twenty thousand dirhams,
he has two bands made for her—for every ten thousand more, he
gives another band to his wife. Sometimes one woman may wear
many bands around her neck. The jewellery which they prize the
most is the dark-green ceramic beads which they have aboard
their boats and which they value very highly: they purchase
beads for a dirham a
piece and string them together as necklaces for their wives.
They are the filthiest of all Allāh’s
creatures: they do not clean themselves after excreting or
urinating or wash themselves when in a state of ritual impurity
(i.e., after coitus) and do not <even>
wash their hands after food. [8] Indeed they are like asses that
roam <in the fields>.
They arrive from their territory (min
baladi-him) and moor their boats by the
Ātil (a large river), building on its banks large wooden houses.
They [9] gather in the one house in their tens and twenties,
sometimes more, sometimes less. Each of them has a couch on
which he sits. They are accompanied by beautiful slave girls for
trading. One man will have intercourse with his slave-girl while
his companion looks on. Sometimes a group of them comes together
to do this, each in front of the other. Sometimes indeed the
merchant will come in to buy a slave-girl from one of them and
he will chance upon him having intercourse with her, but
will not leave her alone until he
has satisfied his urge. They cannot, of course, avoid washing
their faces and their heads each day, which they do with the
filthiest and most polluted water imaginable. I shall explain.
Every day the slave-girl arrives in the morning with a large
basin containing water, which she hands to her owner. He washes
his hands and his face and his hair in the water, then he dips
his comb in the water and brushes his hair, blows his nose and
spits in the basin. There is no filthy impurity which he will
not do in this water. When he no longer requires it, the
slave-girl takes the basin to the man beside him and he goes
through the same routine as his friend. She continues to carry
it from one man to the next until she has gone round everyone in
the house, with each of them blowing his nose and spitting,
washing his face and hair in the basin.
The moment their boats reach this
dock every one of them disembarks, carrying bread, meat, onions,
milk and alcohol (nabīdh),
and goes to a tall piece of wood set up <in the ground>.
This piece of wood has a face like the face of a man and is
surrounded by small figurines behind which are long [10] pieces
of wood set up in the ground. <When> he reaches the large
figure, he prostrates himself before it and says, “Lord, I have
come from a distant land, bringing so many slave-girls <priced
at> such and such per head and so
many sables <priced at> such and
such per pelt.” He continues until he has mentioned all of the
merchandise he has brought with him, then says, “And I have
brought this offering,” leaving what he has brought with him in
front of the piece of wood, saying, “I wish you to provide me
with a merchant who has many dīnārs
and dirhams
and who will buy from me whatever I want <to sell>
without haggling over the price I fix.” Then he departs.
If he has difficulty in selling
<his goods> and he has to remain too many days, he returns with
a second and third offering. If his wishes prove to be
impossible he brings an offering to every single one of those
figurines and seeks its intercession, saying, “These are the
wives, daughters and sons of our Lord.” He goes up to each
figurine in turn and questions it, begging its [11] intercession
and grovelling before it. Sometimes business is good and he
makes a quick sell, at which point he will say, “My Lord has
satisfied my request, so I am required to recompense him.” He
procures a number of sheep or cows and slaughters them, donating
a portion of the meat to charity and taking the rest and casting
it before the large piece of wood and the small ones around it.
He ties the heads of the cows or the sheep to that piece of wood
set up in the ground. At night, the dogs come and eat it all,
but the man who has done all this will say, “My Lord is pleased
with me and has eaten my offering.”
When one of them falls ill, they
erect a tent away from them and cast him into it, giving him
some bread and water. They do not come near him or speak to him,
indeed they have no contact with him for the duration of his
illness, especially if he is socially inferior or is a slave. If
he recovers and gets back to his feet, he rejoins them. If he
dies, they bury him, though if he was a slave they leave him
there as food for the dogs and the birds.
[12] If they catch a thief or a
bandit, they bring him to a large tree and tie a strong rope
around his neck. They tie it to the tree and leave him hanging
there until <the rope> breaks,
by exposure to the rain and the wind.
I was told that when their chieftains
die, the least they do is to cremate them. I was very keen to
verify this, when I learned of the death of one of [13] their
great men. They placed him in his grave (qabr)
and erected a canopy over it for ten days, until they had
finished making and sewing his <funeral garments>.
[14] In the case of a poor man they
build a small boat, place him inside and burn it. In the case of
a rich man, they gather together his possessions and divide them
into three, one third for his family, one third to use for
garments, and one third with
which they purchase alcohol which they drink on the day when his
slave-girl kills herself and is cremated together with her
master. (They are addicted to alcohol, which they drink night
and day. Sometimes one of them dies with the cup still in his
When their chieftain dies, his family
ask his slave-girls and slave-boys, “Who among you will die with
him?” and some of them reply, “I shall.” Having said this, it
becomes incumbent upon the person and it is impossible ever to
turn back. Should that person try to, he is not permitted to do
so. It is usually slave-girls who make this offer.
When that man whom I mentioned
earlier died, they said to his slave-girls, “Who will die with
him?” and one of them said, “I shall.” So they placed [15] two
slave-girls in charge of her to take care of her and accompany
her wherever she went, even to the point of occasionally washing
her feet with their own hands. They set about attending to the
dead man, preparing his clothes for him and setting right all he
needed. Every day the slave-girl would drink
<alcohol> and would sing merrily and cheerfully.
On the day when he and the slave-girl
were to be burned I arrived at the river where his ship was. To
my surprise I discovered that it had been beached and that four
planks of birch (khadank)
and other types of wood had been erected for it. Around them
wood had been placed in such a way as to resemble scaffolding (anābīr).
Then the ship was hauled and placed on top of this wood. They
advanced, going to and fro <around the boat>
uttering words which I did not understand, while he was
still in his grave and had not been exhumed.
Bed from
the Oseberg Ship Grave |
Couch from the Hallstatt Burial |
Then they
produced a couch and placed it on the ship, covering it with
quilts <made of> Byzantine
silk brocade and cushions Byzantine
silk brocade. Then a crone arrived whom they called the “Angel
of Death” and she spread on the couch the coverings we have
mentioned. She is responsible for having his
sewn up and putting him in order and it is she who kills
the slave-girls. I myself saw her: a gloomy, corpulent woman,
neither young nor old.
When they came to his grave, they removed the soil from the wood
and then removed the wood, exhuming him <still dressed>
in the izār
in which [16] he had died. I could see that he had turned black
because of the coldness of the ground. They had also placed
alcohol, fruit and a pandora (tunbūr)
beside him in the grave, all of which they took out.
Surprisingly, he had not begun to stink and only his colour had
deteriorated. They clothed him in trousers, leggings (rān),
boots, a qurtaq, and
a silk caftan with
golden buttons, and placed a silk
qalansuwwah <fringed> with sable
on his head. They carried him inside the pavilion on the ship
and laid him to rest on the quilt, propping him with cushions.
Then they brought alcohol, fruit and herbs (rayhān)
and placed them beside him. Next they brought bread, meat and
onions, which they cast in front of him, a dog, which they cut
in two and which they threw onto the ship, and all of his
weaponry, which they placed beside him. They then brought two
mounts, made them gallop until they began to sweat, cut them up
into pieces and threw the flesh onto the ship.
They next fetched two cows, which
they also cut up into pieces and threw on board, and a cock and
a hen, which they slaughtered and cast onto it.
[17] Meanwhile, the slave-girl who wished to be killed was
coming and going, entering one pavilion after another. The owner
of the pavilion would have intercourse with her and say to her,
“Tell your master that I have done this purely out of love for
At the time of the evening prayer on Friday they brought the
slave-girl to a thing that they had constructed, like a
door-frame. She placed her feet on the hands of the men and was
raised above that door-frame. She said something and they
brought her down. Then they lifted her up a second time and she
did what she had done the first time. They brought her down and
then lifted her up a third time and she did what she had done on
the first two occasions. They next handed her a hen. She cut off
its head and threw it away. They took the hen and threw it on
board the ship.
[18] I quizzed the interpreter about her actions and he said,
“The first time they lifted her, she said, ‘Behold, I see my
father and my mother.’ The second time she said, ‘Behold, I see
all of my dead kindred, seated.’ The third time she said,
‘Behold, I see my master, seated in Paradise. Paradise is
beautiful and verdant. He is accompanied by his men and his
male-slaves. He summons me, so bring me to him.’” So they
brought her to the ship and she removed two bracelets that she
was wearing, handing them to the woman called the “Angel of
Death,” the one who was to kill her. She also removed two
anklets that she was wearing, handing them to the two
slave-girls who had waited upon her: they were the daughters of
the crone known as the “Angel of Death.” Then they lifted her
onto the ship but did not bring her into the pavilion. The men
came with their shields and sticks and handed her a cup of
alcohol over which she chanted and then drank. The interpreter
said to me, “Thereby she bids her female companions farewell.”
She was handed another cup, which she [19] took and chanted for
a long time, while the crone urged her to drink it and to enter
the pavilion in which her master lay. I saw that she was
befuddled and wanted to enter the pavilion but she had <only>
put her head into the pavilion <while
her body remained outside of it>.
The crone grabbed hold of her head and dragged her into the
pavilion, entering it at the same time. The men began to bang
their shields with the sticks so that her screams could not be
heard and so terrify the other slave-girls, who would not, then,
seek to die with their masters.
Six men entered the pavilion and all had intercourse with the
slave-girl. They laid her down beside her master and two of them
took hold of her feet, two her hands. The crone called the
“Angel of Death” placed a rope around her neck in such a way
that the ends crossed one another (mukhālafan)
and handed it to two to pull on
it. She advanced with a broad-bladed dagger and began to thrust
it in and out between her ribs, now here, now there, while the
two men throttled her with the rope until she died.
[20] Then the deceased’s next of kin approached and took hold of
a piece of wood and set fire to it. He walked backwards, with
the back of his neck to the ship, his face to the people, with
the lighted piece of wood in one hand and the other hand on his
anus, being completely naked. He ignited the wood that had been
set up under the ship after they had placed the slave-girl whom
they had killed beside her master. Then the people came forward
with sticks and firewood. Each one carried a stick the end of
which he had set fire to and which he threw on top of the wood.
The wood caught fire, and then the ship, the pavilion, the man,
the slave-girl and all it contained. A dreadful wind arose and
the flames leapt higher and blazed fiercely.
of the Rūsiyyah stood beside me and I heard him speaking to my
interpreter. I quizzed him about what he had said, and he
replied, “He said, ‘You Arabs are a foolish lot!’” So I said,
“Why is that?” and he replied, “Because you purposely take those
who are dearest to you and whom you hold in highest esteem and
throw them under the earth, where they are eaten by the earth,
by vermin and by worms, whereas we burn them in the fire there
and then, so that they enter Paradise immediately.” Then he
laughed loud and long. I quizzed him about that <i.e. entry into
Paradise> and
he said, “Because of the love which my Lord feels for him. He
has sent the wind to take him away within an hour.” Actually,
[21] it took scarcely an hour for the ship, the firewood, the
slave-girl and her master to be burnt to a fine ash.
They built something like a round hillock over the ship, which
they had pulled out of the water, and placed in the middle of it
a large piece of birch (khadank)
on which they wrote the name of the man and the name of the King
of the Rūs. Then they left.
He (Ibn Fadlān) said: One of the customs of the King of the Rūs
is that in his palace he keeps company with four hundred of his
bravest and most trusted companions; they die when he dies and
they offer their lives to protect him. Each of them has a
slave-girl who waits on him, washes his head and prepares his
food and drink, and another with whom he has coitus. These four
<men> sit below his throne, which is huge and is studded with
precious stones. On his throne there sit forty slave-girls who
belong to his bed. Sometimes he has coitus with one of them in
the presence of those companions whom we have mentioned. He does
not come down from his throne. When he wants to satisfy an urge,
he satisfies it in a salver. When he wants to ride, they bring
his beast up to the [22] throne, whence he mounts it, and when
he wants to dismount, he brings his beast
<up to to the throne> so that he
can dismount there. He has a vicegerent who leads the army,
fights against the enemy and stands in for him among his
subjects. |