6 |
Breaking Ground
Finnur Magnússon, 1825
The first attempt to systemize the nine worlds
visually appears to have been that of the Danish scholar Finnur Magnússon
in 1825. He concludes:

Ljósalfaheimr: Home of the Light-elves.
Location of the palace Gimli, ruled by
Surt. The heaven Vidblainn arches over
this world.
II. Muspell of Muspellsheimr, world of
fire, inhabited by Muspels sons. The
heaven Andlang arches over this world.
III. Godheim, the æther or starry
heavens. This is Asgard, the home of the
gods and the location of the palaces
Valhall and Vingolf.
IV. Vanaheim, home of the air- and
sea-gods, also called Vindheim (Home of
the Winds). This is the Earth's
V. Manheim, dwelling
place of human beings. Also called
Midgard. It is the located in the middle
of the worlds.
VI. Jötunheim, home
of the giants, also called Utgard.
VII. Svartalfaheimr, the home of Dark or
Black elves, lies deep in the earth.
VIII. Helheim, Hel's home, the realm of
death or the death-goddess. Earth is the
heaven of Helheim.
IX. Niflheim, Mist or Cloud-Home, lies
at the bottom of the entire system of
worlds. Hence flow the Elivagor
rivers from the well Hvergelmir. On the
outer edge is found the Nastrond, the
corpse-beach. Here the dragon Nidhug
gnaws the roots of the Tree. |
Magnússon already uses the terms "Ljosalfheim" and
"Svartalfheim" for two of the worlds, despite the fact that
the term Ljosalfheim is not found in the sources. Snorri says that
the Ljosalfar (Light-elves) live in Alfheim. He says
that the svartalfar (black-elves) live underground. In
subsequent chapters, Skirnir rides to "Svartalfheim"
to retrieve a chain to bind Fenrir from "dwarves"
living there. Ljosalfheim is not the actual name of
any worlds. Magnússon likely coined it.
Subsequent cartographers have followed suit, although the
spelling and the
location of these two realms vary (see below).
The second attempt to classify the nine worlds is that of Gustav
Legis in his Fundgruben des Alten Nordens (1829). His sketch
closely mirrors Magnússon's with some subtle nuances.
Gustav Legis
presents this image of the cosmos:
According to the
accompanying text, Legis
presents the nine worlds in this fashion:
Muspelheim (Upper Heaven/Empyracum)
2. Ljósalfheim or Gimli (Aether)
3. Godheim or Asgard (the Visible
4. Vanaheim or Vindheim (Earth's
Manheim or Midgard (the Earth)
6. Jotunheim or Utgard (Ring surrounding
7. Svartalfheim
(Inside the thick Earth disk)
8. Helheim or Niflhel (Shadow World)
Niflheim (the dark enveloped icy and foggy pool
Hvergelmir and the Nastronds— the lowest
systems) |
This time, Muspelheim comes out on top,
followed by Ljosalfheim, and then Asgard.
In 1847, a commentary
in the revised edition of Paul Henri Mallet's Northern
Antiquities, edited by Sir Walter Scott, responded
critically to Magnússon's
earlier systemization
of the nine worlds:
"In the third chapter of the Prose Edda, Niflhel
is represented as being 'below in the ninth
world;' and in the thirty-fourth chapter we are
told that Odin cast Hela into Niflheim, and
'gave her power over nine worlds.' In the
forty-fifth strophe of Vafthrudnis-mal, the
giant tells Gangrad that he has been in nine
worlds. These allusions, it must be confessed,
are both obscure and contradictory; nevertheless
Finn Magnusen gives us a systematic
classification of the nine worlds or regions
which, according to his notions, were regarded
by the Scandinavian mystagogues as constituting
the universe. He in fact furnishes us both with
a ternary and a nonary vertical division, as
follows: "
Paul Henri Mallet writes:
1. Ljosalfaheim,
in which he
places Gimli, where righteous men, after Ragnarok,
are to abide with Surtur, the Supreme Deity!!! The
heaven Vidblainn separates this region from,
2. Muspellheim, in which are the
Flame-spirits!! or
sons, who are also under the immediate dominion of
Surtur, both these regions being uncreated. The
heaven Andlang separates Muspellheim from
3. Godheim, where the
abide, and which is, "properly speaking, the ethereal or starry heavens."
4. Vanaheim or Vindheim—the abode of
the Vanir, which he regards as the Spirits
of Air; the region itself being the sky or
the terrestrial atmosphere.
5. Mannheim; the earth; the abode of
6. Svartalfaheim; the subterraneous
parts of the earth — holes, caverns, &c.;
the abode of the Elves of Darkness.
7. Jotunheim; the abode of giants.
In this region is also the great ocean with
the Midgard serpent.
8. Helheim; the abode of death.
Niflheim; the
deepest region also uncreated, in which are
Hvergelmir and Nastrond.
"If it be asked what authority the
learned Icelander can adduce for this
classification we must unhesitatingly
answer, not the slightest. The distinction
which he makes between
Muspellheim, placing in the former, along
with the souls of righteous men, the Elves
of Light—or rather leading us to infer that
it was originally or will be their abode;
and in the latter beings which he is pleased
to term
totally unwarranted That the Vanir are the
Spirits of Air dwelling in the atmosphere
(Vanaheim) is a mere
plausible one, perhaps, but still a
and it
will be needless for us to point out the
inconsistency of placing Jötunheim and "the
earth-encircling ocean "
the earth,
Finn Magnusen himself, when he follows the
horizontal instead of the vertical division,
ranging them on the same plane with it.* In
short, this classification rests on the most
groundless assumptions imaginable, and can
only be ascribed to that theorizing mania,
which it is much to be regretted that a
writer of Finn Magnusen's learning should be
so apt to indulge in.
"We think,
ourselves, that the only admissible division
would lie a ternary one, viz.:—
1. The Super-terrestrial Region, or
the heavens—the abode of the mundane
2. The Terrestrial Region, which was
regarded as an horizontal circular plane. In
the middle lay the earth (Midgard), the
abode of mankind: the Elves of Darkness and
the Dwarfs— probably two designations of the
same mythological beings— dwelling beneath
its surface in caverns and other
subterraneous places. The earth, we are
expressly told, was encircled by the vast
ocean, the outer shores of which formed the
cold, cheerless, and mountainous region of
Jotunheim, the abode of the Frost and
Mountain Giants, and other typified
principles of evil.
3. The Sub-terrestrial Region, or
Helheim, the abode of Hela, or Death *.
Muspellheim and
Niflheim lay
outside of
organized universe, and were obviously
regarded as the primordial spheres or
material regions of light and darkness, of
an active and a passive principle—both mere
modifications of matter—the antagonism of
which produced this universe, with the
Vanir, Giants,
Dwarfs, and other mythic beings that were
popularly supposed to be located in its
various regions, though they were no doubt
regarded by the initiated as the mere
symbols of antagonistic elements."
*Yggdrasill's three roots perfectly
correspond to this ternary division. One
taking its rise in the Super-terrestrial
Region, another at the outer part of the
Terrestrial Region, and the third in
Helheim; Hela, according to the Grimnis-mal
All the
subsequent images of Yggdrassil that choose to reckon the nine
worlds have used some variation of these models.
With the
advance of the Space-Age in the 20th century, artists have
tended to depict the worlds more like planets. Over time, the
models have gotten less specific, and generally trended toward
representing the 9 worlds as individual spheres only loosely
connected with Yggdrasil.

In Simrock's diagram,
the Nine Worlds occur in the following order:
1. Asgard
(Upper Heaven)
2. Ljosalfaheim (Home of the Light-Elves)
3. Jotunheim or Utgard (east)
4. Vanaheim (west)
5. Niflheim
6. Muspellsheim (south)
7. Midgard
8. Svartalfheim
(Home of the Dark-Elves/dwarves)
9. Helheim
Notice that
Muspellsheim has now been removed from the top spot, and the
Home of the Light-elves is placed below Asgard (eventough Snorri
says it is with Gimli in the highest heaven.)
sources (as shown above) do not support this interpretation of
the cosmology.
Current Thinking
At the beginning of the 21st century, Norse
Mythology is becoming better known through the media of Comic
Books, TV Programs, and Films. Today, the popular view of
Yggdrasil and the Nine Worlds is best embodied in popular
culture by Marvel Comics' The Mighty Thor, an on-going series,
1962 to present. This entry in the Marvel Universe encyclopedia
mapped the Nine Worlds in the following manner:
This diagram is the Marvel Comics version of Old Norse
cosmology, suited to meets the needs of their fictional thunder
god. Here the nine worlds are:
1. Asgard
3. Alfheim
4. Nidavellir [?]
5. Midgard
7. Svartalfheim [Home of the Dark-elves]
8. Hel and
Niffleheim (sic)
9. Muspelheim |
Notice the inconsistencies between this model and the
earlier ones. This is caused by the lack of information in
the sources.
A Comparison of 4
Historic Attempts
to Name the 9 Worlds: |
Magnússon 1825 |
Legis 1829 |
Simrock 1865 |
Comics 1988 |
Ljósalfaheim II. Muspellsheim III. Asgard IV. Vanaheim
Midgard VI. Jötunheim. VII.Svartalfaheim VIII. Helheim IX. Niflheim
1. Muspelheim 2. Ljosalfheim
3. Asgard 4. Vanaheim 5.
Midgard 6. Jotunheim 7. Svartalfheim 8. Helheim or Niflhel 9.
1. Asgard 2. Ljosalfaheim
3. Jotunheim (east) 4. Vanaheim (west) 5. Niflheim (north)
6. Muspellsheim (south) 7. Midgard 8. Svartalfheim 9. Helheim
1. Asgard 2.
Vanaheim 3. Alfheim 4. Nidavellir [?] 5. Midgard 6.
Jotunheim 7. Svartalfheim 8. Hel or Niffleheim 9. Muspelheim |
Only the place-names Svartalfheim and Alfheim appear
in the lore. Ljosalfaheim was coined by Magnússon and
subsequently modifed to Ljosalfheim, as a balance to Svartalfheim.
Alfheim is the term used in the old Eddic poems.
Svartalfheim is only found in Snorri's Edda, as a home of
dark-elves or dwarves.
Because the nine worlds are never
enumerated in the lore, an artist can literally do whatever
s/he wants to do. The canvas is blank.
All representations of the Nine Worlds to date are a
variation of the diagrams presented above. Simrock's has
been a particular favorite, having been reproduced in many
The singular most popular image of Yggdrasil and Old
Norse Cosmology, since the late-1980s, is this image
from The Norse Myths by Kevin Crossley-Holland:

1988 Kevin Crossley-Holland
The Norse Myths
The true test of a theory's
validity, however, is how well it compares to
accounts in the Eddic
poems, concerning travel between these worlds. The picture
that meets the demands of this test is the
best. In my experience that is the theory of Old
Norse Cosmology based on the poems of the
Poetic Edda. Based on my own research, I believe that
a list of the nine worlds is most apt to include:
1. Asgard
2. Midgard
3. Alfheim
4. Jötunheim
5. Vanaheim
6. Hel [Land of
the Dead]
7. Niflhel
(also Niflheim,
Northern World of Ice)
8. Surts Sökk-dalir
[Southern World of Fire]
9. Mimisholt
[Svartalfheim, Mimir is
their Master] |

It is thus spoken in Völuspá:—
A hall sees she standing fairer than the
with its glittering gold roof Aloft in Gimli. All men of worth shall there abide,
And bliss enjoy through countless ages.
And again:—
"Towards the south there is another heaven above this,
called Andlang, and above this a third heaven, called
This allocation, in the Northern
mythology, of the highest heaven to the south, while one of
the stems or roots in the Yggdrasil myth springs in the warm
south over the Urdur-fountain, whose holy water is used to
sprinkle Yggdrasil's ash, would seem to account in some
degree for the direction of the course of springs
southwards. This condition was necessary for the course of
healing springs not only in Wales, however. North of the
Tweed healing virtues were attributed to the water of a
south-running stream. The patient had to go to the spot and
drink the water and wash himself in it. Sometimes his shirt
was taken by another, and, after being dipped in the
south-running stream, was brought back and put wet upon him.