[ Index
to Svipdagsmál]
Gróugaldur and Fjölsvinnsmál
Introduction, Translation and Notes
by Lee M. Hollander
The Lay of
© 1962 Lee
M. Hollander, used here for educational purposes only.
This is an excerpt of The Poetic Edda. The entire work is
available for
The two poems here printed
under a common heading are handed down only in a number of late paper
manuscripts none of which is older than the second half of the
seventeenth century. Notwithstanding many discrepancies and obscurities,
necessitating numerous emendations, all of these manuscripts are seen to
go back to a common lost original.
That these poems do belong
together is evident from the connection, and from the similarity in
their style, language, and metre (ljóðaháttr). Moreover, we
have the witness of a number of closely related Swedish and Danish
ballads2 which treat the material as a unit. But it is
difficult to decide whether both poems were originally an undivided
whole, united by a stanza or stanzas now lost-which would account for
the abrupt beginning of the "Fjölsvinnsmál" proper, or independent
treatments, by the same poet, of the two phases of the myth— the
fairy-story motif of Sleeping Beauty.
I. "The Spell of Gróa"
("Grógaldr"): Young Svipdag is given, by an evil stepmother, the task of
winning the hand of Mengloth in Giant-Land (we gather from the ballads
that he has never seen Mengloth, but loves her nevertheless). He seeks
the grave of his mother Gróa, a wise woman, and wakes her from her death
sleep to ask for the help she had promised to give him in his hour of
need. She chants for him nine spells which are to aid him in his
dangerous undertaking.
II. "The Lay of Fjolsvith"
("Fjölsvinnsmal"): Svipdag (after overcoming all terrors of
the journey, as we must assume) at last stands before a castle perched
on a mountain top, surrounded by a wall of flickering flames. A giant
watchman, Fjolsvith, rudely bids him be gone and asks his name, which
Svipdag conceals. However, the hero learns, in set question and answer,
that Mengloth dwells in the castle, and that it is inaccessible save to
one chosen hero--Svipdag. He reveals his true name, the gates open, and
the maiden hails him as her deliverer.
These poems are peculiar in
that they, to a far greater extent than any other, are a conglomerate of
mythical elements and verse fragments borrowed from a score or so of
unquestionably older poems in the collection. This fact stamps them as
unauthentic. And yet the poet-no doubt a scholar of the Icelandic
Renaissance, living, say, at the end of the twelfth century-has shown
remarkable skill in putting these borrowed feathers together to form a
well-organized and (but for the interminable didactic portions) engaging
whole which simulates the Old Norse color surprisingly well, so well, in
fact, that several scholars of weight have been led to assign it to the
tenth century. The lyrical portions, in particular Mengloth's expression
of longing and exultation, are most pleasing.
1 The name of "Svipdagsmal" as
a name for both poems was suggested by Bugge.
2 Grundtvig, Danmarks Gamle Folkeviser II. 245.
The Translation Follows
Svipdag and Menglad
by John Bauer (1907)
Colorized by Guddipoland
The Spell of
© 1962 Lee
M. Hollander, used here for educational purposes only.
This is an excerpt of The Poetic Edda. The entire work is
available for
1. "Awake, Gróa,4
good woman, awake!
At the door of the dead5
I wake thee:
dost bear in mind
how thou badest thy son
to your grave-hill to go?"
3. "He Whose
Countenance Shines Like the Day" (?)
4. [From Cymric Gróach,
"witch."] Like Heith in "Voluspa," St. 22 and "Völuspá en skamma," St.
5) this is a typical name for a witch or seeress.
5. That is, her grave.
(Gróa said:)
"What aileth now
my only son,
What maketh heavy thy heart,
That thy mother thou callest
under mould who lieth
And hath left the world of the living?" |
(Svipdag said:)
3. "To a cursed task
called me the crafty woman6
in her arms who folded my father;
where come one cannot,
to come she bade me,
fair Menglöth7 to
meet ." |
6. His stepmother.
7. "Glad in Her Necklace."
(Groa said:)
4. "Long is the way
and wearisome,
but longer man's love doth last;
if thou winn'st what thou
'tis well for thee,
but the norns work natheless. "8
8. The interpretation is not certain. The
meaning seems to be that, betide what may, or whatever help I may give,
you will succeed only if you are fated to succeed: which is, indeed, the
gist of the fairy story.
5. "Speak thou such spells
as will speed my way!
Shield and shelter thy son!
Full of danger, ween I,
the dreaded journey
for one so young in years." |
(Gróa said:)
6. "That first then heed,
which most helpful I know,
the which Rind spoke for Ran:9
from thy shoulders shake
what shocking seemeth;
seek thou thy way thyself! |
9. In explanation of the names, Gering
suggests that the Rind here referred to is Vali's mother (See Balders
Dream, St. 11), and that, hence, Ran stands for Vali, the avenger of
7. "This other heed thou:
if ever thou
must wearily wend thy way:
may Urth's
magic songs10
on all sides guard thee,
when with mocking words thou art met.
10. Doubtful.
8. "This third heed thou:
if in threat'ning waters
thou fearest to find thy death:
to Hel
hence let
fare Hronn and Uth!11
may be dry the deeps for thee!
11. Following Bugge's emendation of these
names: Hronn----possibly also Uth, "Wave"---is one of the rivers flowing
to Hel. See 'Lay of Grimnir ' St. 28.
9. "This fourth heed thou:
if foemen beset thee,
ready to do thee to death:
their hearts withhold
their hands from thee,
and be made to meet thee halfway.
10. "This fifth heed thou:
if fettered thou art,
fastened hand and foot:
loosening spell
I will speak o'er thy limbs,
so the locks will burst off thy legs,
the fetters from off thy feet. 12
12. For this spell, see 'Words of the High
One', St. 149, and the first Merseburg Charm.
11. "This sixth heed thou: if on sea riseth
weather more wild than men wot:
wind and water
will my witchcraft lull;
then fearlessly fare thee forth!13
13. The same charm occurs in the 'Words of
the High one' St. 154.
12. "This seventh heed thou:
if searing frost
beset thee on fell high faring:
may the deadly cold
not 0' ercome thee ever,
nor rob thy limbs of their litheness.
13. "This eighth heed thou,
if without find thee
a misty night on the moors,
lest ill overtake
or untowardness,
f rom the wraith of a Christian wretch!14
14. In the original, "Christian Woman."
The line certainly points to the conception that the ghosts of Christian
women are especially dangerous to a heathen hero.
14. "This ninth heed thou:
if with haughty thurs
thou wouldest war with words: 15
wit nor words be
wanting ever,
at behest of thy heart!
15. See the situation in "Lay of
15. "May thy errand no longer seem evil to
nor let thee from thy love:
on earth-fast stone?16
I stood within doors,
these spells while I spoke for thee!
16. Instanced also elsewhere as a practice
of sympathetic magic: the spells are as trustworthy as bedrock.
16. "Of thy mother's words
mindful thou be,
in thy heart let, darling, them dwell:
in life shalt have,
the while my words thou heedest!"
The Lay of Fjolsvith
© 1962 Lee
M. Hollander, used here for educational purposes only.
This is an excerpt of The Poetic Edda. The entire work is available
1From far without up he saw
the high-timbered hall of the etins.2
(Svipdag said:)
"What foul fiend is it
in the forecourt who stands,
about the flickering fire hovering?"! 3
1. As to the abrupt
beginning, see the Introduction. I follow Bugge in the ordering of the
first four helmings as well as in the attribution to the speakers.
2. Possibly a kenning for
"mountain". The entire first part of the stanza is controversial.
3. The "flickering flame" surrounds
Mengloth's castle like Brynhild's wall of fire; "Sigrdrifumal, "
Introductory Prose.
2. "What seekest thou,
for what thy search,
wayfarer, and what thy wish?
On wet ways5
wend straight heneeward:
no hearth for the homeless here!"
4. "The Very Wise",
which is also an epithet of Othin ("Grimnismal," St. 48).
5. Over the high mountains.
(Svipdag said:)
3. "What foul fiend is it
in the forecourt who stands
and welcomes not the wayfarer?"
(Fjolsvith said:)
"A good name, I ween,
thou never had'st,
so hie thee home from hence!
(Svipdag said:)
4. "I am Fjolsvith hight,
famed for my lore,
but of my food am not free:6
within this court
comest thou never:
be off now, outlaw, away!"
6. That is, not hospitable to strangers.
(Svipdag said:)
5. "To feast his eye
full eager is he
on a lovely thing who looketh:
the gates do gleam
about golden hall:
my home would I fain have here."
6. "To whom art born,
and of what blood,
youth, from what house dost hail?"7
(Svipdag said:)
"Vindkald8 my name,
Varkald my father,
Fjolkald his father was. |
7. See "Fáfnismal,"
St. 2, where, too, the hero attempts to conceal his identity. Not
acknowledging himself as the chosen hero, Svipdag must inquire into the
conditions---impossible of fulfillment---through which access to the
castle may be gained.
8. Vindkald, "Wind-Cold"; Varkald, "Spring-Cold";
Fjolkald, "Very Cold." Gering suggests that, by giving these fictitious
names, Svipdag wishes to make Fjolsvith believe that he, too, is of
giant kin.
said:) 7. "Tell me, Fjolsvith, for I
fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
who holdeth sway
in this seemly hall,
so richly wrought with gold?"
8. "She is called Mengloth (a), whom her
mother bore to Svafrthorin's son: 'it is she who owns this seemly hall,
so richly wrought with gold."
(Fjolsvith said:)
8. "She is Mengloth9 hight,
whom her mother bore
to Svafrthorin's son:
'tis she who holds sway
in this seemly hall,
so richly wrought with gold."
9. See "Grógaldr" St.
3. The name and status of her kin remain unexplained.
(Svipdag said:)
9. "Tell me, Fjolsvith, for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
how the wicket is hight
than which 'mong the gods
none is more fraught with fear?"
(Fjolsvith said:)
10. "Thrymgjoll10
is hight that wicket which three
sons of Solblindi11 made;
with fast fetters
the wayfarer it holds
who would heave it from its hinges."12
10. "The Loud-Grating."
11. "Sun-Blinded," dwarfs whose abode is in the
12. Like the gate
described in "Sigurtharkvidha hin skamma," St. 68. The Old Norse door
raised up. See "Rigsthula," St. 26.
(Svipdag said:)
11. "Tell me, Fjolsvith, for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
how that wall is hight than which 'mong
the gods
none is more fraught with fear? |
(Fjolsvith said:)
12. 'Tis Gastropnir'" hight,13
which most goodly I built
of Leirbrimir' s,14
the etin's, limbs;
'tis so
stanchly built
that stand it will
as long as men do live."
13. "Strangling the Intruder" (?).
14. "Clay-Giant" (?); is it built of bricks?
(Svipdag said:)
13. 15"Tell
me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
how that ash is hight
which out doth spread
its limbs over all the land?"
15. In the original, Sts. 13 to 18, dealing with the tree Yggdrasil (see
"Voluspa," [Icelandic] St. 19), come after St. 24. They are probably
interpolated, having nothing to do with the subject in hand.
(Fjolvith said:)
14. "'Tis hight Mimameith,16
but no man knoweth
from what roots it doth rise;
by what it falleth
the fewest guess:
nor fire nor iron will fell it."17
16. "Mimir's Tree." His well is under Yggdrasil ("Voluspa," [Icelandic]
St. 28).
17. See "Grimnismal," St. 36
(Svipdag said:)
15. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
of the fruit18 what
of that far spreading tree,
since nor fire nor iron will fell it?"
18. Conjectural. The word in the original is unexplained.
(Fjolsvith said:)
16. "Of its berries19
shalt bear on fire,"
for ailing women to eat:
then out will come
what within was held-
such strength is bestowed on that tree."
19. Possibly its roasted fruit, which, in some trees, has an emmenagogic
effect; but the interpretation is conjectural.
(Svipdag said:)
17. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
how that cock is hight,
in the high tree sitting,
which gleameth all golden?"
(Fjolsvith said:)
18. "He is Vithofnir20
and watchful= standeth
on the branches of Mimameith:
with dreadful fear
he filleth the hearts
of Surt21 and
20. The word in the original is not well understood.
21. The fire giant (see "Voluspa," [Icelandic] St. 51). His wife (?)
Sinmara is unknown elsewhere. According to "Voluspa," [Icelandic] St. 41
ff, the crowing of the cock gives warning of the approach of the
destroying elements.
(Svipdag said:)
19. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
how the hounds are hight
which about the hall
(grim and greedy prowl) ?"22
22. This line is supplied conjecturally.
(Fjolsvith said:)
20. "Gifr is one hight,
Geri23 the other,
if to wit thou wishest:
strong24 watchdogs they,
and watch they keep,
till draws nigh the doom of the gods."
23. Both names signify "Greedy." Geri is also the name
of one of Othin's wolves in "Grimnismal," St. 19.
24. Strangely, the manuscripts here have "eleven".
(Svipdag said:)
21. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
whether any man
within may come,
when the hungry hounds do sleep?"
(Fjolsvith said:)
22. "At the same time never
asleep they were,
since to their watch they were set:
sleeps one at night,
at noontide the other,
so no one without may enter."
(Svipdag said:)
23. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer me as I ask:
if morsel there be
which men might throw them,
and slip in the while they eat."
(Fjolsvith said:)
24. "'Neath Vithofnir's
lie wing-bits25
if to wit thou wishest:
that meat alone
may men throw them,
and slip in the while they eat:'
25. The exact meaning of the word in the original is
not clear.
(Svipdag said:)
25. "Tell me,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
if weapon there be
which Vithofnir may
send to the halls of Hel?"26
26. That is, slay him.
(Fjolsvith said:)
26. "'Tis Levateirr27
which Lopt28 did forge,
Niflhel beneath;
in an iron kettle
keeps it Sinmara,29
there hold it hard locks nine:'
27. "Wand-of-Destruction," a kenning for "sword".
28. Loki; see "Lokasenna," St. 6.
29. Surtr's wife?
(Svipdag said:)
27. "Tell me,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
will home wend him
the wight who goes
and seeketh to win that wand?"
(Fjolsvith said:)
28. "Home will wend him
the wight who goes
and seeks to win that wand,
if that
he fetch
which few do own,
to give to that goddess-of-gold."30
30. Conjectural. If correct, it is a kenning for
"woman": Sinmara.
(Svipdag said:)
29. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
anyone owns
ought of great worth,
to make fain that fallow31 ogress?"
31. She is pale yellow because she dwells in a cave.
See "Alvismal," St. 2.
(Fjolsvith said:)
30. "The shining feather
then shalt thou pluck
which from Vithofnir' s start thou must steal,
ere sullen Sinmara
will sell to thee
the weapon to lay him low."31
31. The interpretation of these lines is doubtful.
However, the circle of impossibilities is closed: no one may enter the
(Svipdag said:)
31. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
what the hall is hight
which is hedged about
by wall of flickering flame?"
(Fjolsvith said:)
32. "Lyr it is hight,
and long will it
hover on sword's point on high;32
of this shining hall
from hearsay ever
men have learned alone."
32. Following Bugge's interpretation. In other words
it is inaccessible.
(Svipdag said:)
33. "Tell me, Fjolsvith, for I fain would know;
answer thou I ask:
of the gods who made (the golden floor)33
within the hall so high?" |
33. Following
Grundtvig's emendation. The half-stanza is difficult. Both this and the
following seven stanzas are irrelevant and, possibly, interpolated.
34. "Uni and
Iri, Óri and Bari
Var and Vegdrasil,
Darri and Uri,34 and Delling was
(the time Hlithsjkalf was locked).35 |
34. Most of the
following names (of dwarfs) remain unexplained. Several occur also in
"The Song of the Sybil." The holy number nine plays a considerable role
in both poems.
35. Conjectural. If this reading is adopted the
castle bears the same name as Othin's seat in Valholl.
(Svipdag said:)
35. "Tell me, Fjolsvith, for I fain would know;
answer thou I ask:
what the mountain is hight which the maiden doth
dwell on, aloft and alone?
(Fjolsvith said:)
36. " 'Tis Lyfja mount36
hight, and long has it been
for the sick and the halt a help:
for hale grows wholly, though hopeless she seems,
the woman who wins its hight."
36. "Mountain of
(Svipdag said:)
37. "Tell me, Fjolsvith, for I fain would know;
answer thou I ask:
what the maids are hight before Mengloth's knees
that sit in sisterly wise?
(Fjolsvith said:)
38. "Hlif one is hight, Hlifthrasa another,
a third, Thjothvara;
eke Bjort and Bleik, Blith and Frith,
Eir and Aurbortha.37
37. The nine maidens
bear names appropriate to their salutiferous activities.
(Svipdag said:)
39. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
do they help award
to their worshippers,
if need of help they have?"
(Fjolsvith said:)
40. "(Ay they help award)38
to their worshippers,
in hallowed stead if they standr"
there is never a
that neareth a man,
but they lend a helping hand:'
38. A lacuna in the manuscript is supplied here following Bugge.
39. To offer up sacrifice.
(Svipdag said:)
41. "Tell me, Fjolsvith,
for I fain would know;
answer thou as I ask:
if to any man
Mengloth will grant
in her soft arms to sleep?"
(Fjolsvith said:)
42. "No man liveth
to whom Mengloth will grant
in her soft arms to sleep;
to Svipdag
the sunbright maiden
for wedded wife was given:'
(Svipdag said:)
43. "Let gape the gates,
and give wide berth!
Here mayst thou Svipdag see.
Now hie thee
in the hall to learn 4.
if lies to Mengloth my love:'
(Fjolsvith said:)
44. "Hear thou, Mengloth,
a man hath come;
go thou to greet the guest!
hounds bay welcome,
the house hath opened:
meseems that Svipdag it be."
(Mengloth said:)
45. "May greedy ravens
gouge out thy eyes,
as high on gallows thou hangest,
if a lie it be
that from long ways afar
the hero hath come to my hall.
46. "Whence comest thou,
and what thy kin,
what wert hight at home?
Thy father's name tell,
that token I have
that I should be thy bride."
(Svipdag said:)
47. "I am Svipdag hight,
Solbjart40 my father;
thence wandered I wind-cold wars;
'gainst Urth's41 decree
'tis idle to strive,
though loath be thy lot."42
40. "Sun-Bright."
41. It may be unrelated, but Wind-Cold was Winter's father.
42. difficult to translate.
(Mengloth said:)
48. "My wish have I won:
welcome be thou;
with kiss I clasp thee now;
the loved one's sight
is sweet to her
who has lived in longing for him .
49. "Full long sat I
on LyfjaMount,
bided thee day after day:
now has happened
what I hoped for long,
that, hero, art come to my hall. |
50. "Heartsick was I; to
have thee I yearned,
whilst thou didst long for my love.
Of a truth I know: we two
shall live
our life and lot together."