U (ú), the twentieth letter, was represented in the Runic alphabet, both on the stone in Tune and in the later Runes, by ?, and was called úr, Skálda 176,—úr er af eldu járni, the Runic poem: u is sounded like eu in Fr. feu, ö in Germ. hören; ú like oo in Engl. root. In mod. Engl. the Icel. ú is represented by ou, ow, e. g. Icel. út, hús, búr, = Engl. out, bouse, bower, such words being in Early Engl. written ût, hûs, etc.; they still retain their Scandinavian pronunciation in North England. For the changes between o and u and ó and ú see the introduction to the letter O, p. 462. As with o, so with u, the words with initial v have, in the Scandinavian languages, dropped that letter, e. g. una = wone; undr = wonder; und = wound; ull = wool; úlfr = wolf.