Thor in Jötunheim Hrungnir, Thor's Mightest Foe by Peter Krüger ©2012 [Germanic Astronomy]
Björn Jónsson (Star Myths of the Vikings) has convincingly shown
that Hrungnir and Mokkurkalfi are depicted as Sagittarius and the Milky
Way behind Sagittarius, respectively. Hrungnir's heart is identified by
him with the asterism of the Teapot. |
Aurvandil's Toe:
Brightest Shining of Stars |
That the Hrungnir myth contains astronomical
ideas is obvious from the story about Thor's friend, Aurvandill. On his way
home, Thor rescued Aurvandill from certian death, and finding that one of
his toes was frost-bitten, broke it off and threw it into heaven, where it
became a star:
However, the identity
of Aurvandil and his toe is still very vague. I would like to add some
new thoughts to it: At its rising the constellation Taurus lays sideways on the horizon. The first star rising from Taurus is the star Elnath (Beta Tauri). It is at the same time the tip of the horn of Taurus and the heel of the constellation of the Charioteer!
We also find the obscure detail that a shard of Hrungnir's hone stuck in Thor's forehead. I assume this refers to Aldebaran, the bright red star in the head of Taurus. According to Gavin White, in Sumerian astronomy, this star was called the Fire-star, a very appropriate name for a piece of a hone. When he goes to the sorceress Groa to have it removed, Thor announces to her that her husband Aurvandill will soon return. Surely this refers to the constellation rising directly after Taurus, one of the most famous and brilliant constellations: Orion with its bright belt. Interestingly this constellation was brought into connection with Aurvandil before, although with difficulty. So what about the strange story concerning Aurvandil's toe? It has already been assumed that this is the star Rigel, but this doesn't make a lot of sense. I would like to propose a new theory. At the same time as Taurus rises another constellation is also rising: Auriga, the Charioteer. If you look at the star pattern forming Auriga you can indeed see a shape like a chariot (without wheels however).
Perhaps this constellation was seen in this story not as a chariot but as a basket. The brightest star of this constellation is the star Capella, and my guess is that this star is the mysterious toe of Aurvandil. It seems that the rising of Orion was very important for the people of that time and that Capella (incidentally, the third brightest star of the northern hemisphere) announced the coming of Orion. I should mention that Auriga lays directly on the Milky Way, brought into connection with the Elivagar of myth many times before. Thus, Thor/Taurus was seen carrying Aurvandil/Capella in a basket/Auriga on his back, across the mighty Elivogar/Milky Way. Are there any other parts of the story which help support the identifications made above? I think so: In the first part of
the Hrungnir myth it is described how Hrungnir rode on a horse called
Gullfaxi (golden mane) to Asgard. Directly before the rising of the
Pleiades the constellation of Aries is rising. I described in another
post that Aries can be identified as Freyr's boar Gullinbursti (golden
bristles). The name refers to the shape of the stars of Aries, which
look like the golden mane of a boar – or a horse. Riding Gullfaxi,
Hrungnir stops at the beer-hall of the Aesir (the Pegasus square) and is
served ale by Freyja, depicted as Andromeda. |
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Overall we find that the Hrungnir myth is an
astronomical story referring to the setting of the Milky Way and Sagittarius
in the West and the rising of Aries, the Pleiades, Taurus, Auriga and Orion
in the East. We can compare this nicely with the description of the Greek
astronomer Aratus (approx 250 BC) about the rising of Taurus:
![]() Thjalfi and Mokkurkalfi: Some additional thoughts about the Hrungnir myth. |
As described below the fight between
Thor and Hrungnir seems to be related to the rising of the star cluster
of the Pleiades (representing Mjöllnir)and Taurus (Thor) in the east and
the setting of the constellation of Sagittarius (representing Hrungnir)
in the west. But how does the side story of Thjálfi fighting Mökkurkálfi fit to the main story? Already Bjorn Jonsson proposed that Mökkurkálfi represents the Milky Way next and above of Sagittarius. But where to find Thjálfi? We might find an answer if we read carefully the text. It explicitely states that Thjálfi stands next to Hrungnir and not side by side to Thor: "Then Thjálfi ran forward to the spot where Hrungnir stood". We therefore have to evaluate the constellations next to Sagittarius and the Milky Way. And indeed we find a striking similiarity of the name Thjálfi to a small constellation nearby: Delphinus, Greek delphin, the dolphin. It is also relevant to study the Sumerian/Babylonian name for it. Normally it is translated as pig or swine but another variant is 'young man, child'. We therefore find on one side a very similar name and on the other side a description fitting Thjálfi. So, even the name Thjálfi appears as a personal name in northern sources and the explanation as *þewa-alfaR, serving-elf seems to be widely accepted the name might have another root (or the Greek delphin that has no prototype in Babylonian sources is based on a new interpretation of a name no longer understood).
If Thjálfi is indeed connected to the constellation Delphinus we should also find an explanation for his sister Röskva (often translated as 'the fast one', German: die Rasche, die Schnelle). The translation 'the fast one' might lead us to the small constellation next to Delphinus, the constellation of Equuleus, the foal. Like Delphinus it is a very small constellation, explaining why Thjálfi and Röskva were seen as children. Both siblings appear in a story where Thjálfi sucks the marrow of a leg bone of a goat. As a result the goat is lame. It is possible that this goat is represented by the constellation of Capricornus (already assumed from Jónsson), the goatfish of ancient astronomy. We therefore have to distinguish between the story of Thjálfi and the lame goat and the tale of Thor's chariot (relating to the constellation Auriga with the star Capella, the she-goat, or the two stars called Haedi, the goat kids). The two siblings are also connected in another story to Egil, known as an archer in other sources. If Egil corresponds to Sagittarius, the archer, we find here another link between Delphinus and Sagittarius. |
![]() MAGNI: The Son of Thor |
If the Hrungnir myth indeed describes the rising of Aries/Gullfaxi, the Pleiades/Mjollnir and Taurus/Thor than we must find next to Aries and Taurus also Magni. The key to this riddle is that he would have used his fist to smash Hrungnir. From the description of the text alone the only candidate is the nearby head of Cetus. Now, this 5-star asterism is called from the Arabs (who depend normally on Greek sources) Al Kaff alJidhmah, the Part of a Hand, so this is the mighty fist of Magni being able to draw Taurus up from the horizon. Al Kaff alJidhmah is a part of Cetus leading back to the Greek sea goddess Keto. And guess what a byname of Keto is: Trienos "the three-year old"... And of course the head of Cetus "the fist of Magni" is than also Jarngreipr, the powerful glove of Thor he needs to hold Mjollnir/Pleiades |